First name:
Sometimes it is best not to ask a person for their name if you want them to be really honest with their answers.
Second name:
Does 'second name' mean your middle name or your family name?
Why would the person conducting this survey need your address?
So if you were 14 which box would you tick. Are you allowed to tick more than one box?
Are you good with computers?YesNo
Are you good when compared to Bill Gates? Are you bad compared with a kitten? This question should be a little more specific.
What colour is your computer at home?
What if your computer was brown? How would you answer this question?
Computers improve our spelling ability therefore we should write more essays using computers:
Strongly Agree Agree No opinion Disagree Strongly Disagree
Are you being asked to agree with the statement about spelling or the statement about writing more essays?
Only the most stupid people don't think computers have helped make life better for us all. Do you agree?YesNo
This is a 'leading question'.
How big should a computer's memory be?
0 - 1GB 2GB - 100GB 200GB - 300GB 400GB - 500GB 600GB - 1TB
Is the question asking about RAM? What if your answer was 350GB?
Scroll back up the page to see the comments underneath all of your answers. You can then print this page (or save as a pdf file) for your records.
When you have read the comments above click here.