14th July

Birthdays of Note...







1834 James Abbott McNeill Whistler, artist (Whistler's Mother).
1857 Maytag invents washing machine.
1862 Florence Bascom, 1st American woman PhD.
1874 Abbas II, last khedive (Ottoman viceroy) of Egypt (1892-1914).
1880 Donald Meek, actor (Stage Fair, Stagecoach).
1893 Spencer Williams, actor (Andy-Amos 'n' Andy).
1901 George Tobias, actor (Abner Kravitz-Bewitched).
1903 Irving Stone, author (Love is Eternal, Lust for Life).
1903 Ken Murray, comedian (Ken Murray Show, Judy Garland Show).
1906 Tom Carvel, ice cream mogul (Carvels).
1910 William Hanna, animator (Hanna-Barbera).
1911 Terry-Thomas, actor (It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World).
1912 Woodrow Wilson "Woodie" Guthrie, folk singer (This Land Is Your Land).
1913 Gerald R Ford [Leslie King], 41st VP (1973-74), 38th pres (R-1974-77).
1917 Douglas Edwards, newscaster (CBS Evening News, FYI).
1918 Arthur Laurents, playwright (West Side Story, Gypsy).
1918 Ingmar Bergman, Swedish director (Cries & Whispers).
1918 Jay Wright Forrester, inventor of random-access magnetic core memory.
1926 Harry Dean Stanton, actor (Alien, Cool Hand Luke, Alien).
1927 John Chancellor, news anchor (NBC, VOA).
1928 Nancy Olson, actress (Absent-Minded Professor, Pollyanna).
1932 Roosevelt "Roosie" Grier, NFLer (NY Giants)/actor (Movin' On).
1936 Robert F Overmyer, Col USMC/astronaut (STS 5, STS 51B).
1952 Chris Cross, rock singer (Arthur).
1952 Eric Laneuville, actor (Larry-Room 222, St Elsewhere).
1952 Jerry Houser, actor (Slapshot, Summer of '42, Class of '44).

Death Anniversaries...
1958 King Faisal II assassinated in Baghdad
1970 Preston Foster, actor (Waterfront, Gunslinger), dies at 69
1973 Clarence White, guitarist (Byrds), killed by a car
1979 George De Witt, TV host (Name that Tune), dies at 56

Significant Events...
1714 Battle of Aland - Russian fleet overpowers larger Swedish fleet.
1771 Mission San Antonio de Padua founded in California.
1789 Bastille Day - citizens of Paris storm Bastille prison.
1798 1st direct federal tax on the states for on dwellings, land & slaves.
1798 Sedition Act prohibits "false, scandalous & malicious" writing against US govt.
1832 Opium exempted from federal tariff duty.
1850 1st public demonstration of ice made by refrigeration.
1853 Commodore Perry requests trade relations with Japan.
1865 1st ascent of Matterhorn.
1868 Tape measure enclosed in a circular case patented by AJ Fellows of CT.
1914 Robert Hutchins Goddard patents a liquid-fuel rocket motor.
1921 Nicola Sacco & Bartolomeo Vanzetti convicted in Dedham MA of killing their shoe company's paymaster.
1934 NY Times erronously declares Ruth 700 HR record to stand for all time.
1940 Lithuania becomes the Lithuanian SSR.
1950 RE Wayne awarded 1st Distinguished Flying Cross in Korea.
1951 1st color telecast of a sporting event (CBS-horse race).
1958 Iraqi army overthrows monarchy; republic replaces Hashemite dynasty.
1965 Mariner IV, 1st US Mars probe, passes within 6,100 miles (9,800 km) of planet.
1966 Richard Speck rapes & kills 8 nurses in a Chicago dormitory.
1967 Surveyor 4 launched to Moon; explodes just before landing.
1969 "Futbol War" between El Salvador & Honduras begins.
1975 EPCOT Center (Florida) plans announced.
1976 Jimmy Carter wins Democratic pres nomination in NY.
1986 NASA agrees to implement recommendations of Rogers commission.
1987 Lt Col Oliver North concludes 6 days of Congressional testimony.
1987 Steve Miller's star is unveiled on Hollywood's Walk of Fame.
1987 Taiwan ends 37 years of martial law.

Holidays Around the World...
France & its former territories : Bastille Day (1789)
Iran : Appointment of the Prophet
Iraq : Republic Day (1958)
Senegal : African Community Day
Islam : Mohammed Ascension

Information from:  Ce Jour