Thai Cooking Lesson

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Step 1

Ensure you have the most important ingredient in plentiful supply:

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Step 2

Chop things and cook things

Thai Cooking Lesson

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Thai Cooking Lesson

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Step 3

Be generous with the main ingredient:

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Step 4

(Strange one this...) Burn some charcole on cooker to go in middle of soup thingy (pictured right)!

Thai Cooking Lesson

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Thai Cooking Lesson

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Step 5

Little bit more of the main ingredient:

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Step 6

Arrange stuff nicely on plates

Thai Cooking Lesson

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Thai Cooking Lesson

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Step 7

juzza lass ikkle dwop of the jin an tonik @#$!:

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Im Laou

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Thai Cooking Lesson

AG00050_.gif (1615 bytes) The End