John Tranter


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John Tranter

Assistant Principal (Campus Curriculum Technology) Bangkok Patana School

Personal Information

Marital status: Single

Nationality: British


D'Eyncourt Primary School

Wolverhampton Grammar

University of Southampton

Wolverhampton Polytechnic - Faculty of Education.


Admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Education on 29th July 1982..

Qualified as a Secondary OFSTED Inspector, September 1996.



September 1982 appointed as a teacher of mathematics at Valley Park School, Wolverhampton.

September 1989 appointed Head of Mathematics at Aston Manor School, Birmingham (scale D)

January 1994 appointed as Senior Teacher Consultant ( Mathematics) at Birmingham LEA’s Curriculum Support Service, salary £29k

Coordinated Birmingham’s "Year of Numeracy" 1997, Supported Birmingham’s newly qualified teachers. Managed Birmingham’s mathematics in-service programme. Supported mathematics in primary and secondary schools. Managed a team of five teacher consultants. University of the First Age staff training

September 1997 appointed as Head of Mathematics at ISS International School Singapore, my first overseas appointment. 

August 1998 moved to Bangkok Patana School as Head of Mathematics Faculty

August 2001 appointed as Assistant Principal (Campus Curriculum Technology) Bangkok Patana School



Scout / Venture Scout leader (1979-1990)

Assistant County Commissioner for West Mercia Scout County (1985 - 1997)

Six years experience working as a counselor on an American summer camp

Organiser of British/American/Indian Scouting exchange programmes

Chairman 1977-78 Southampton University Scout and Guide Club

Assistant leader of county contingent to the World Scout Jamboree, Canada in 1983.

Member of UK Headquarters support team to 1991 World Jamboree in Korea.

"Send Off" entertainment producer for the UK contingent leaving for the 1995 World Jamboree in Holland.

Coordinator of the West Mercia Scout County representation to the 19th World Scout Jamboree, Chile 1999.

Producer of county bi-annual variety show.

Trustee of the Goodwill Children’s Village Society, South India.