
June 2002

Saturday 1st

What an atmosphere. 350 kids and the same number of adults from the British Schools in South East Asia all sitting down to dinner in a huge hall at BITEC (Bangkok International Trade Exhibition Centre... The equivalent of the NEC). It was the closing ceremony of the FOBISSEA Games and I was in my usual tense state before such a big event. I was doing the visuals and had put together a 9 minute MTV style video of footage from the previous three days.

The technical side went really well and the reaction from the crowd was unbelievable. Another Firecracker moment!

Sunday 2nd

So it's Ben! (my new nephew) Ben Harry has been named at last.

Monday 3rd

My electricity bill was over ₤60 this month! I know I have air conditioning on all night but that's ridiculous.

Tuesday 4th

If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked?

Wednesday 5th

Oooaahhh ... Delhi Belly time again

Thursday 6th

Many people have said how good the pop concert at Buckingham Palace was; Did anyone record it?

Friday 7th

Today is Graduation day at school. For the first time I'll be sitting on the stage with all the big wigs. More significantly however I'll be wearing an academic gown for the first time. I was too cheap to go to my own graduation back in 1982 so I am treating today as late graduation for myself.

We'll be putting pictures straight onto the school web site at http://www.patana.ac.th/events/graduation/

Saturday 8th

Today was the posh part of the graduation at a fancy hotel (Grand Hyatt Erawan). I conducted myself quite regally during the whole of the ceremony only to knock a tray of red wine held by a waitress during the cocktail reception all over her white uniform.

Sunday 9th

Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?

Monday 10th

Four weeks of the school year left. Terrible thing to be wishing time to pass quickly!

Tuesday 11th

Three weeks and four days.

Thursday 13th

Tickets confirmed for my flight back to the UK on 10th July

Friday 14th

Phew!! I'm through to the next round of the World Cup Score prediction competition at school. There are 16 of us left! Here are my predictions:

Second Round             Banker
Date Thai Time         Venue (use # once)
Jun-15 13:30 Germany 2 0 Paraguay Seogwipo  
Jun-15 18:30 Denmark 0 1 England Niigata #
Jun-16 13:30 Sweden 1 1 Senegal Oita  
Jun-16 18:30 Spain 2 1 Ireland Suwon  
Jun-17 13:30 Mexico 1 0 USA Jeonju  
Jun-17 18:30 Brazil 2 1 Belgium Kobe  
Jun-18 13:30 Japan 2 0 Turkey Miyagi  
Jun-18 18:30 South Korea 0 1 Italy Deajeon #

Saturday 15th

This must be the perfect way to watch the England v Denmark match. On the promenade at Baan Sen (a seaside resort close to Bangkok) a street cafe/bar was set up in front of a giant screen on which the match was projected. It was a 6:30pm kick off (Thai time) which coincided with a beautiful sunset over the Gulf of Siam. I was the only foreigner, everyone else was Thai, so the atmosphere was exciting yet gentle. We drank Beer Chang (Elephant Beer) in the warm early evening breeze while hearing the sounds from the World Cup broadcast over a huge sound system. Each time my glass became half empty a smiling waitress would top it up. England scored three goals and won... What more could I ask for?

Sunday 16th

I have now got a miniature folding keyboard for my iPaq which makes things even easier. This is the scene I can see as I am typing this overlooking the sea

Monday 17th

Interviewer: 'Would it be fair to describe you as a volatile player?' David Beckham: 'Well, I can play in the centre, on the right and occasionally on the left side.'

Tuesday 18th

Surprisingly I think I’ve become used to having soup at the end of the meal instead of the beginning. It was the best way to plan the meal at the Japanese restaurant in the Central Shopping Centre this evening; then on the way home, traveling on the back of the motorcycle taxi we nearly hit an elephant as we sped down the dark lane and over the klong bridge. The one thing that prevented a nasty after dinner incident was the thoughtful flashing red light attached to the elephant's tail. (That’s the elephant helper who was thoughtful not the flashing red light!

Wednesday 19th

Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?

Thursday 20th

Great surprise. Received a video from home with the Party at the Palace concert (unfortunately the tape ran out when Annie Lennox came on stage for the second time). Great evenings viewing nevertheless. Thanks Ron

Friday 21st

1:30pm this afternoon at school, normal lessons had been canceled and the whole of the secondary school had gathered in the Auditorium to watch the England Brazil match on the big screen. The older students were in the balcony armed with an assortment of instruments they'd taken from the music department and the younger kids had dressed up in the England or Brazillian colours.
The rest of the story is history.

Saturday 22nd

Mediterranean Buffet Lunch at the new Sofitel on Silom. Evening at the Houghton/Schofield house warming party

Sunday 23rd

Heard from Nick that Greeny is in hospital for an operation. Get well soon

Monday 24th

Heard from Mark McCabe that Heff (John Heffernan) has just died at the age of 47.

Tuesday 25th

The World Cup is on the telly again but I've lost all interest since England was knocked out and I am also knocked out of the staff score prediction competition.

Wednesday 26th

It rained and rained. The flood on the road leading to Happyland was two feet deep in places. Worst floods since Nick and Greeny's last night in Bangkok.

Thursday 27th

Heard that Greeny is stitched up, out of hospital and doing well.

Friday 28th

School end of term party for the whole staff... teachers, cooks, drivers, gardeners ... nearly 1000 people (if they all turn up). Some interesting entertainment and lots of drunk people having a great time in the outdoor (roof no walls) basketball court.

Saturday 29th

Not well... It may have been the beer yesterday reacting with the Delhi Bully virus... but I didn't do much today.

Sunday 30th

All day making videos for the end of year celebrations and leavers party/assembly

World Cup Final. My money's on Brazil!

The diary is now having a rest but I'll leave you with the following picture sent to me by Martin who used to work in Kenya (where the picture was taken)

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