Diary August 1997

13th August Wednesday: Arrived in Singapore at 11:05am and went directly to the hotel. It was a bright sunny day and the city looked particularly beautiful. A combination of modern buildings, palm trees and colourful flowers.
Evening meal at 6th Av. hawker centre. Five of us chose dishes from different countries cooked at some of the many stalls around the outdoor tables.
14th August Thursday: Explored Orchard road. Discovered how to use the ultra efficient public transport using the plastic fare cards. The MRT (Underground) is so squeaky clean and new looking. There are doors between the platform and the track which only open when the train pulls into the station.
15th August Friday: Found "Little India"... wow, just like the real thing without the dirt, smells and poverty. Lots of great eating places serving authentic curries at a fraction of UK prices.
Bought a kettle for £7.20 and "The Sahotas" Decade CD for £7.
16th August Saturday: Bought the "Straits Times" and found an advert for cheap bikes. Got myself a brand new 18 gear mountain bike for £60. Rode it back through the centre of town to the hotel.
17th August Sunday: Saw more apartments than I could remember. Tried to make notes about each one but after a while they all merged into one. They were either too small, too big, too noisy, too remote or too pricey.
18th August Monday: First day in school, induction day for new staff. Everyone very friendly and helpful.
19th August Tuesday: Finally found a suitable place to live, ground floor of a very old building, 3 large bedrooms and two bathrooms.
20th August Wednesday: Staff meetings for all school staff, met rest of maths department for the first time.
Discovered Newton Circus hawker centre, huge, so many stalls to choose from...had a Tamil chicken and vegetable pancake!
21th August Thursday: Found an Irish pub. Beer was £5 a pint. Only drank one pint.
Had dinner in an Indonesian restaurant, very cheap and very good.
22nd August Friday: Staff night out in the City. A three hour "happy hour" then we ate Turkish food!
23rd August Saturday: Sorted out contracts for my new accommodation, electricity, gas, telephone etc.
Bought a pillow and sheets etc. Found the "Cold storage" supermarket, just like Sainsbury's.
Chop Suey for dinner.
24th August Sunday: Eat my Sunday lunch off a banana leaf today in little India. I was the only westerner in the restaurant so they bought me a spoon and fork but I impressed them by using my right hand.
25th August Monday: Met the pupils for the first time today. I'm teaching pupils from Japan, Indonesia, China, Taiwan, UK, Russia, India, Bangladesh, Australia, Korea, Norway, Finland and more. Interesting names when I call the register
26th August Tuesday: A snake was found in the staff room today. This initiated staff telling snake stories, occasions when they had come across snakes in their own homes, including the story of the snake that got into the baby's bed and went to sleep with the baby....Aaaagh!!!
27th August Wednesday: Tried my first mooncake today, a Chinese festive treat! A bit like a pork pie without the pork.
28th August Thursday: All the locals do strange slow motion dances in the parks early in the mornings....strange but true!
Late afternoon I moved into my apartment at last. They're still painting most of the rooms but at least there is one bedroom finished.
29th August Friday: Went out and bought a pillow and quilt for the bed. Couldn't remember the size of the bed so guessed at king size. I was wrong, it was a Queen.
30th August Saturday: Bought cleaning stuff and spent the day scrubbing the kitchen and bathrooms.
Went to two garage scales. One was ultra posh, the other very scruffy. Bought nothing!

31st August

Sunday: Tried out the Chinese washing machine and washed my clothes. All was going well till I got to the ironing part. Had to go out and buy an ironing board. Ironing wasn't much fun!
Also bought a set of scales; I'm not loosing weight despite the heat.
Found an excellent Indian restaurant....buffet style... eat all you want .... 3 courses ... posh surroundings ... all for a fiver ... fantastic.
Had a bottle of beer in the local on the way home... over £2 per bottle ... only had one.

September's diary


Revised: 01 August, 2008.