Useful Thai Phrases:

This is not intended to be a definative phrase dictionary, it is simply the phrases I've been taught at Thai lessons sorted into alphabetical order. The English transcriptions work for me but probably no one else!

Use the "Thai Flash Phrase" program to help you practice Thai phrases. First download Thai.exe and Thai1.tfp, save them in the same place then run theThai.exe program. You can edit the file Thai1.tfp using notepad and add your own Thai phrases.

Aeroplane Kroong bin
All week Ta lorn atit
Also Duey
Ant Mod
Arm Kern
Aswell Duey
Bad Yair
Bag (handbag) Gra-pow
Bag (paper or carrier) Toong
Band Wong dontree
Bathe Ap nam
Battery Tarn
Because Pro(k)-wa
Better Dee kwaa
Big body Dooer yai
Boat Reu-a
Bottle Ko-at
Book Nang ser
Breakfast Ahaan chow
Bread Kanompang
Bus number 23 rot-mai sigh ey-sip sam
But T(d)ear (rhymes with there)
Buy Seuw (sir)
Can I have another coke? Kor coke eek?
Can I have the bill please? Kit nung (better than check bin cap)
Can I see? Kor doo noi dai mai?
Can I try it? (food) Long chim dai mai cap?
Can you speak English Pood passan ankrit dai mai.
Cheaper Tuk-kwaa
Cheese Neuy
Chicken with cashew nuts Gai pad med mamouang
Clever Cha-lar(t)... (chill out)
Clothes Seur (sewer)
Cold Now (feeling cold) Yen (things)
Come here maa nii
Cooking Tam ahaan
Correct? Tuk mai?
Cough Eye
Could you repeat that please? Pood eek tee dai mai cap?
Crowded Mee kun maa
Cup 2A
Dangerous Anderai
Dentist More fun
Difficult Ya(g)
Diarrhoea Tong sea-ar
Dirty Socopo
Diving Dam nam
Do you have a big size? Mee bur yai mai?
Do you have a boy friend yet? Khun mee fan reu-yang?
Do you have a smaller one than this? Mee mai lek-kwaa nii
Do you sell batteries? Mee tarn kai mai?
Dog (bite) Maa (ga)
Ear Who
Easy Ngai
Eye T(d)ar
Face Naa
Fan Pat lom
Fat Oo-an
Finger New-meur
First Gon (as in bye gon)
First time I've come here Maa kreng reck
Foot Tow
Fridge Two-yen
Fried chicken with garlic and pepper. Gai tod gratiem prik thai
Frightened Tok jai
Frog Gop
Fruit Polomai
Glad Dee jai (jai dee - kind heart)
Green chicken curry Geng keow wan gai
Guess Dow see
Go to see the doctor Bye ha more
Go to the end of the street Bye sud soi
Go travelling Bye teo
Hair Pom
Hand Meur
Happy Mee quam suk
Have you been here before? Keu-y maa ti nii mai?
Haven't seen Mai hen
Hello Sawatde kap
Help me (emergency) Choo-ay phom duey cap
Help me please Choo-ay phom noi cap
Him, her or them Kaou
How long does it take? Chai wella narn tow-rai?
How long have you been in Thailand? U prathead Thai narn mai?
How long have you been working here? Tam nan ti nii narn mai?
How many children do you have? Mee loo gee khun?
How old are you? Khun ayu tow rai kap
How tall are you? Khun soong tow rai?
I bought it at Chatuchak Phom seuw ti Chatuchak
I can't hear Mai dai yin
I can't talk Pood mai dai
I don't believe Phom mai chua (sure)
I don't know yet Phom yang mai ru
I don't like to see the doctor phom mai chop ha more
I don't want bones (in my food) Mai ow gra(t) doo
I don't want to answer Pom mai ya(k) torp
I have a bad headache Phom bo-at hua mark
I have a cold Phom ben wat
I have back ache Phom boat lang
I hope you will be better tomorrow Kit wa ja dee khun prung nii
I like listening to Thai music Pom chop fang plane Thai
I like talking with you Phom chop pood cap khun
I like yellow the most Phom chop see liyang maa ti suk
I'm five foot eight inches tall Phom soong ha foot bad new
I'm not a tourist Pom mai chai nak tong tio
I'm not sure Phom mai nere jai
I'm sad Phom see ar jai
I'm single Phom ben sword
I'm walking to my friend's house Phom dern baan pooan
In front Cang na
I play tennis a lot Phom len tennis maa
I sit on a minibus to go to school in the morning. Phom nang rot tow bye rong rien ton chow.
I want a bigger one than this Kor Yai-kwaa nii
I want two Singha beers please Kor beer sing song ko-at cap
I went to see a movie bye doo nang
I will be here another two years Phom ja u tii-niii eek song bee
I will pay the bill Pom jai nung
I won't tell you! Phom mai bore!
Is it true Jing mai?
Is this the Novotel? Novotel chai mai?
It took two hours Chai wella song cheumung
I've lost my keys Gun jerr phom high (long word)
I've never eaten it Phom mai keur gin
Keys Gun jerr
Laugh Hoo-a-ro(ck)
Left side Sai moer
Leg Car
Liar or lie Go-hok
Lots of times (been here before) Lie krang
Lunch Ahaan Te-an (or clang wan)
Magazine Nang ser magazine
Mango Mak muan
Massage Noo-ut
Maybe Aajaa
Medicine Yah
Misunderstand Cow jai pit
Mixed fried vegetables Pad pak roo-am
Month Dooaan
Mop the floor Too bahn
Mosquito (bite) Yoong (gat)
Mouth Bar
Never (been here before) Mai keu-y
New Mai
Newspaper Nang ser pim
Noodles Lad-na
Nose Jamoo
Now (or nowerdays) Deo nii
OK Tok long
Old Guerre (people) gow (things)
Only Tao-nun
Or Reu
Packet Ha!
Paint the house Tar see bahn
Park (Lumpini) Soo-un Lumpini
Play guitar Len(g) guitar
Pomello Som-o
Present (gift) Con quan
Pretend Lane lane
Raft Pair
Rat No
Read Ann
Rest Pakpon
Restaurant (expensive) Rang ahaan patacarn
Return Glap
Ride elephant Kee chang
Right side Kwar moer
Say that again Pood mai
Scratch (verb) Gaou
Sea Ta lay
Sea Food Ahaan talay
See Mother and Father Ha mere lek paw
Serves you right Som nom na
Shadow Ngow
Shoes Wrong tow
Shopkeeper Jo kong ran
Short (d)tear
Singing Rong plane
Sleep at 11 wake at 6 Non ha tum, Deern hok mong
Small bottle of Sangthip Sangthip nung bearn
Smell (bad) Men
Smell (good) Hom
Snake Ngoo
So Dang nan
Sometimes Ban krang
Someone's dying Khun d(t)ie
Some people Ban khun
So So Tamada
Soya sauce See you!!!
Stomach Tong
Stomach ache Boat Tong
Stop on the left side Jot sai moer
Stop on the right side Jot kwar moer
Strange Blair
Strong or healthy Keng reng
Sweet mouth (flatterer) Pakwan
Swimming Why nam
Swimming pool Sa! why nam
Table for three please To(k) samrap sam khun
Take away Ow clap barn
Tell me Bok pom
That's all Mud laou
Thin Pom
Third floor Chang sam
This evening Yen nii
This evening I will eat egg noodle soup Yen nii phom ja gin ba mee nam
Tin Ca-pong
Try it (food) Long chim
Today is the 15th Won ti sip ha
Toe New tow
Tooth Fun
Two elephants Chiang song dooa
Two plants Don my song ton
Two times Song krang
Upset stomach Tong see ar
Waiter or waitress. Nong (Baa for older woman)
Wake up Doan none
Walk Dern
Watermellon Teng more
We Row
What are you doing? Tam arai?
What did you buy at Central? Seuw arai ti Centran?
What did you do before you worked here? Tam arai gon maa tam nan tin nii?
What does your husband do? Sammy khun tamnan arai?
What do you call this in Thai? Pasan Thai riagwa arai (viagra)
What do you think? Khun kit wa yang rai?
What do you like to eat? Chop gin ahaan arai?
What do you want to drink? Ow-nam-arai?
What ever you want to give Laou ter ja hi
What is the matter with you? Ben arai kap?
What else is the matter with you? Ben arai eek kap?
What is your name? Khun choo arai kap
What size? Bur arai?
What time? Kee mong?
Where do you come from? Khun mah jahk nai kap?
Where do you play tennis? Khun len tennis tee nai?
Which? nai?
Whiskey Laou (flat bern) (round glom) (card fark laou)
Who is the winner? Cry channa?
Who are you going with? Bye cap cry?
Why? Tum-mai?
Wife Palai-ya
Window Nadang
Wood (it isn't wood) Mai (mai chai mai)
Work (verb) Tam-nan
Work hard Tam-nan dee
Would you like to go for a meal with me? Bye gin cow cap phom mai?
Would you like to go for a drink (beer) with me? Bye gin beer cap phom mai?
Yes Chai (or) verb (or) Cap pom
Young sao(f) noom(m) dek lek (child)



Thai Numbers

More Thai phrases

New phrases added on 21/03/99