
March 2002

Friday 1st

Best wishes for a long and happy life to Bus, the Thai baby born on a bus... according to the clipping from Wolverhampton's Express and Star sent with the last letter from Mom:

My sister is due to have a boy in June. I wonder if she'll call him Ward?

Saturday 2nd

Received a postcard from Shep in New Zealand (he sent it from NZ that is... I didn't receive it in NZ!) He says the people are lovely and it's so cheap (the prices not the people!)

Sunday 3rd

From www.friendsreunited.co.uk:

I still can't believe how good the Internet is for stumbling across little gems like this phot from the 70s. It's Wards Bridge School. I recognise Mark Thomason and Isobel Green at the front. Isn't that Lofty at the back too?

Monday 4th

Dinner at the Japanese restaurant in the Central shopping Central. Good value, good food and good service. Sake served in square shaped bowls ... lots of dribbling.

Tuesday 5th

Found a jar of whiskey marmalade at the back of the cupboard with my Mom's writing on the label. Can't remember how it got there but I decided to have some on toast for breakfast.

The morning went really quickly with lots of laughing and rugby songs. Hangover all afternoon.

Wednesday 6th

Google is one of the best Internet search engines available at the moment. Typing in a word or phrase usually produces thousands of pages. Occasionally however you will type in a phrase which produces no hits at all. Can you think of two words which, when submitted to Google will result in one, and only one hit? A prize for the first correct answer!

Thursday 7th

Received this email from Gary Moss with the subject Wolves v Forrest

Not sure if you guys already know but ITV sports channel are showing the whole match at 10.30 pm tonight - So either get round a mates house who has itv digital or in Noka's case ask the landlord for a bit of Overtime !!!!!!!!!!!!

(LIVE THE DREAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


PS I am trying to get Paul Butler to go on Soccer AM to wrestle Killer Kilcline for the Nifty Fifty - I will let you know what he says when I have seen him


Who's Gary Moss?

Friday 8th

Evening at a new Thai dinner cabaret type place. Built in the style of Disneyland with all waiters wearing the strangest shorts and braces. Entertainment was good, service good, atmosphere bizarre and surroundings have to be seen to be believed. It's called the Coliseum.

Saturday 9th

Daytime learning how to create jsp pages (for the web). Evening at the new OK buffet restaurant on Soi La Salle ... don't think I'll go there again in a hurry.

Sunday 10th

With an increasing number of carpets in the house it was time to purchase a vacuum cleaner.

So I did.

Riveting stuff.... [sorry but that was the most interesting thing that happened today ... I don't think March is turning out to be very eventful]

Monday 11th

Woke, worked, watched (TV), went to bed

Tuesday 12th

Spent 25minutes watching TV from the exercise bike in the gym. A cross between a couch potato and healthy ex-pat. Maybe I'm a cou-pat!

Wednesday 13th

Cycled to the race track and as the sun set over Burma I ran 2km (5 laps) then cycled back home. Great atmosphere in the evening when lots of people are out jogging and playing sports.

Thursday 14th

Four fifths of the way through interviewing candidates for the Secondary School Principal.... Last one tomorrow. Very intense!

Friday 15th

Wathched "The Green Mile" with Tom Hanks ... well Tom didn't come round here to watch it with me ... he was in the film! Has anyone else seen it ? ... and the moral of the story was ...???

Saturday 16th

Just read that The Green Mile is:

The movie is a modern retelling of the life of Jesus Christ. John Coffey (J.C.) is a benevolent person who is able to heal and resurrect and is executed on false charges by the state

Sunday 17th

Heard from Neal Quinton. A name from the past. Exchanged a few emails remembering the adventures of our younger days... happy times.

Monday 18th

Last week I had an email from "Giftsforbirds.com" that Mothers' Day was last week so I sent Mom a gift. Today I had an email from "interflora.co.uk" saying Mothers day is next Sunday! What should I do???

Tuesday 19th

I have ordered a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), the Compaq iPaq 3870. The supplier said ages ago that it wouldn't be in the country till the beginning of February... then it was the middle of February... then at the end of February they said definitely 20th March.

Tomorrow is the 20th March. For some reason I'm not filled with confidence.

Wednesday 20th

no PDA!

Thursday 21st

Just received from the Head of Year 7

Year 7 are getting moving with raising some serious money for Napo village. We have formed a committee and one money-spinner that they are hoping to do is to get a booklet together of staff baby photo's so that a competition can be run amongst the secondary students.

I know that many of you will not necessarily have baby photo's here in Thailand. If you are going back over the impending holiday, or if you can arrange to have one posted to you, we would much appreciate it.


Friday 22nd

Samantha is obviously getting bored with the depths the diary has sunk to these days but at least she is prepared to do something about it:

Hi Whizza - hope you're Ok. Here's some diary fodder if you're running out of things to use!

These are extracts from actual letters sent to various councils and housing associations throughout the UK:

 >  I want some repairs done to my cooker as it has backfired and burnt my knob off.

 > I wish to complain that my father hurt his ankle very badly when he put his foot in the hole in his back passage.

 > I wish to report that the tiles are missing from the outside toilet roof, I think it was that bad wind the other night that  blew them off.

> I am writing on behalf of my sink, which is coming away from  the wall.

> Will you please send someone to mend the garden path, my wife tripped and fell on it yesterday and now she is pregnant.

 > The toilet is blocked and we cannot bath the children until it is cleared.

 > Will you please send a man to look at my water; it is a funny colour and not fit to drink.

 > Our kitchen floor is damp. We have two small children and would like a third so please send someone round to do something about it.

 > I am a single woman living in a downstairs flat and would you please do something about the noise made by the man I have on top of me every night.

Saturday 23rd

Fun Day at school

Sunday 24th

Well my PDA has finally arrived and I am literally writing out This diary entry by hand. I must say That I am Very impressed, It is getting most of the words right first time. It took me some time to figure out how to connect it to my computer but it is now all worhllng very nicely though the one letter that I'm finding difficult is the "k"
Lets hope that I will not be writing about hlangaroos.hiathryns or Hellogs

Monday 25th

Well you never know. I might just start writing a lot more in this diary to practise my handwriting on this PDA.
I can Sit down last thing at night with a large whiskey and write about the really interesting things that have happened to me during the day.
I think that the Oscars have had a much bigger build up this year than ever before so I don't think I'll be able to avoid It on the tells tonight.

Tuesday 26th

Have a look at
Another newspaper article about Surjit Sahota. I think that they have gone a little overboard touching up the photo. Either that or Surj has taken on Michael Jackson's Makeup Artist.

Wednesday 27th

Jogging at dusk:....

Just to prove it!

Thursday 28th

I really think this little Compaq iPaq is great. At the moment I'in sitting on the roof patio as the sun sets writing this. I have just been reading Ben Elton's latest novel on it as an eBook. I actually think it is easier to read than a real book. It is certainly lighter and easier to turn the pages.
I can store photos on it and use it to play music. It doubles as a diary, a calculator, an email program and has an alarm giving me a five minute warning before appointments. The infrared facility is great for beaming files to other uses too.
Can you tell I'm hooked?

Friday 29th (Good)

Just had a message from Shep:

Have a look at www.u-rythmix.com

The Annie Lennox lookalike is my cousin. I've just been to see them play a gig at Brierley Hill and they were brilliant! I would recommend anyone going to see them for a superb evening.


Saturday- Sunday

Weekend by the sea at The hotel Long Beach


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