
November 2001

Thursday 1st

A little problem today, I'm sure you've all experienced it before but it's very annoying when the waterfall you have ordered is too big to come in through the front door!


Up to Khon Kaen for a wedding. Travelled there and back on the overnight sleeper train and stayed in the Sofitel. Remarkable value at only 1800 baht from 6am on Saturday till 2pm on Sunday, and I was upgraded to a suite (I hope you are reading this Jas). The wedding itself was quite interesting. It was a young Belgian guy who'd met a Thai girl through the Internet.


Monday 5th

On Friday there was a downpour like no other I have ever seen. The noise of the rain on the school roof made it very difficult for me to make myself heard. The resultant floods bought traffic chaos and the usual newspaper pictures.

Since Friday, however, there has not been a drop of rain. Did that storm mark the end of the rainy season? Just a couple of days too late for Deepo, Jas, Ranj and Pete but nice for Jean and Brian who return here from Australia on Wednesday

Tuesday 6th

I received an email (with pictures!) from Deepo showing me how they have settled back into normal life after their holiday:

Ranjit at work, can’t concentrate
needs another holiday.

Deepo wishing she was out shopping.

Jas just living life.

   Pete’s started planning his next holiday.

Wednesday 7th

Jean and Brian return from their trip to Australia. Dinner at home swapping Australia stories and photos (video). Both of us saw kangaroos in the wild but they win the prize for seeing whales basking in the Indian Ocean.

Thursday 8th

The plan was for cocktails at sunset in the Banyan Tree but when we got there we found it had been closed for renovation. Jumping in a taxi we found the worst bit of traffic in Bangkok and spent half an hour stationary. After that however things started to look up:

We had tickets for a concert in the Thai Cultural Centre. The Bangkok Symphony Orchestra honouring the King’s birthday. As we had an hour to spare before the concert began we decided to go into the Fortune Hotel for a quick drink. We had to make a choice between the lounge bar and the underground pub. Jean said that as long as there was no loud music or karaoke she’d prefer the pub.

Half an hour and two drinks later Jean and I were on the stage doing our Elton John and Kiki Dee impression.

The concert was very good thought the security was very tight due to the fact that the King’s sister and daughter were in the audience. Just before the encore we decided that an early exit was called for before roads were shut down for the royal egress. In my hurry to leave I ran straight down the red carpet which had been lovingly spruced for the royal feet. I was nearly shot!

Late dinner in The Barbican

Friday 9th

TechX technology conference during the day.

Dinner with the Purchasing department from school celebrating Saks success in his exams.

Saturday 10th

"Cross Cultural Management" course at the Hilton Hotel all day. Usual story; too much of the buffet lunch then fighting to stay awake all afternoon.

Sunday 11th

Morning to Jatujak weekend market to by some ultra comfy deckchairs. Afternoon sleeping in ultra comfy deckchairs

Monday 12th

I spent seven years at Valley Park School and every year we would have a fund raising drive to raise money for a minibus. We never did get one.

Patana has 195 minibuses:

Tuesday 13th

Saw the top and bottom of Frazier today!

Jas had brought out two videos he'd recorded of Frazier and this evening I sat down with Johnny Walker to watch them. Unfortunately (maybe due to scanners at the airport) there's a fuzzy line right trough the middle of the picture revealing only the top and bottom of the action. Never mind... I guessed what was happening in the middle.

Wednesday 14th

"Restaurants of Bangkok where you can take a friend who's accustomed to the finer things in life: No. 37":

Rossini's in the Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit

because: Classy decor
Never before heard of dishes on the menu
They put your napkin on your lap for you
If you go to the toilet your napkin has been refolded when you return
Great selection in the bread basket to munch on between courses
They serve your courses in the correct order
Other customers look like "old money"
Charles has never been there!

Thursday 15th

... and as soon as you can say "Fettuccini" Charles gets right on the case:

Just about true I have eaten in the space used by Rossini's for a Sunday Jazz brunch but not for an evening Italian meal. I have been going down market recently frequenting the amazing Mr Wong's in Soi Nangdupli where a full steak meal is 80 baht (£1.20) and beers 45 baht (70p) - the main attraction besides suiting a 'cheap charlie' however is Wong's vast music video collection especially Top of the Pops from the 1960s which makes me feel young again and his ability to answer any music trivia question if you ask him before the Thai whisky hit home. Have a good weekend. Charles

Friday 16th

A new teaching block is being built at school. The frame is finished and they're doing some work on the frame of the roof. I was amazed to see one particular workman walking along the beams with no safety gear on at all. We are talking over 100ft in the air here. I just happened to have my digital camera with me at the time so I took this short film:

[Film removed]

Saturday 17th

If olive oil comes from squeezing olives together, where does baby oil come from?

Sunday 18th

Went to Jatujak weekend market to buy two shirts. Came back with an octagonal shaped fish tank and 45 tropical fish!

Monday 19th

Middle age has well and truly set in. Not only have I got orchids, tropical fish and a waterfall in the back garden but I'm also taking pictures of them!


Tuesday 20th

If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the OTHERS here for?

Wednesday 21st

They're still painting the house ... it's looking good though.

2 fish died ... 43 to go!

Thursday 22nd

This "FriendsReunited" web site is really very good. This week I heard from Isobel Green, someone I haven't seen for the best part of 30 years:

So much has happened since we last saw each other-which must be???? years ago. My life has not been half as interesting as yours-I've just been viewing your web site. Quite impressive. Before I continue I must first ask how your Mom is? Please tell her that I have contacted you. I know that Leeza has seen Julie over the years so some things have filtered through the grape vine. Well, I have been married for over 21 years to Kevin Cole. I have 2 gorgeous children(yes-I know-I am biased). They are, Lewis (14) and Abbie(11). Lewis is heavilly into Harry Potter and Star Trek!!!! Abbie-well-she just cannot wait to be grown up! Since August this year our home has been in Newquay, Cornwall. We moved here to escape the rat race and, more importantly, because I wanted to be nearer to my Parents, who have lived in this area for the last 4 years. My siblings all reside in Penkridge. I will gradually tell you more about them as time goes by. For now, I shall simply say that all are well and are parents themselves. Keep in touch. Best wishes Isobel.

Friday 23rd

It's rooftop barbecue season. The purchasing department prepared the food (all seafood) and I took care of the drinks (drinking them that is, not making them). Here's an artists impression of the cooks:

Saturday 24th

Went to e-Expo today and bought a great new digital camera. Made here in Thailand it is about the same size and weight as a packet of cigarettes so fits nicely onto a top shirt pocket. It can hold 25 full size pictures or 200 smaller ones. It can even record short videos or record 30 minutes of speech. All this and it only cost 2700 baht (less than £50),

Met Michelle and Stuart in The Barbican for dinner then a great evening in Radio City with the excellent band they have there. Stuart filmed the highlights with his video camera and I've since made a copy. Good time was had by all.

Sunday 25th

Michelle and Stuart come for a traditional Thai meal and make plans for their 10 week stay here.

Michelle worked in an Aquarium shop for three years but was amazed by the fish. She had never seen anything like them before. I have decided to call them "Highlighter fish" as the stripes on their bodies are the same colours as a standard pack of highlighter pens.

Monday 26th

Ever wonder what the speed of lightning would be if it didn't zigzag?

Must make a mental note that the rainy season finishes abruptly at the beginning of November and now the weather is perfect. The school is at it's best now:

Tuesday 27th

From Shep:

How are the fish? Is the fact that you've bought an aquarium and a barbecue connected? Are you opening up a fresh fish restaurant?

Wednesday 28th

Just seen on Thai TV news. The Weakest Link is coming to Thailand. The Thai equivalent of Anne Robinson looks very scary.

Had that new camera in my top shirt pocket as I went around school today. Paul's got a black eye he's a bit shy about:

Thursday 29th

Charles you were right! Wong's Place is unique (see diary entry for 15th Nov above). Had a steak meal and a couple of beers there last night. It was like going back in history 30 years. Dimly lit, smoky with photos, old videos and 45s plastered all over the walls. Another Bangkok institution [Thinks: Must take Nick there next time he's here ... and his clothes will be in fashion there!]

Friday 30th

Dust off your water wings, the Happyland swimming pool is open at last. Just 80 metres from my front door there's a pool, club house, snooker room, mini cinema, sauna and Jacuzzi.

The senior staff from school were invited to the Board of Trustees meeting today. We all crowded into a minibus and headed off to the Plaza Athenee Hotel (where the Imperial used to be) looking forward to lunch. The hotel was exquisite, a truly grand lobby and after taking in the splendor we all headed for the lifts. Squashed into the lift was Paul Schofield (the Principal), Jackie Houghton (Asst Principal) Phil Dixon (Asst Principal) David Knott (Elem. Principal), Jenny McLaughlin (Asst Principal), Khun Tim (Personnel manager) Dr Sarinthorn (Thai Headmistress) Tibor Farkas (Master Planner) and myself. Just after we'd reached the third floor there was a worrying jolt then everything stopped. Five minutes later we thought we should sound the alarm. Dr Sarinthorn pressed the button and bells started ringing. Someone spoke to us through the intercom, I was tempted to ask for room service but the general vote was against it.

The mood was very jovial though we did at one point discuss whether it was better to lie on the floor of the lift or jump up and down if it started falling.

You'll have guessed by now, as I managed to write about it here, that we all lived to tell the tale at Patana did not have to advertise a lot of unexpected top vacancies.

Search over 130 diary pages from when I worked in Singapore and Bangkok. If you type in your own name you can see what has been written about you!



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