
December 2000

Friday 1st

Christmas is cancelled:

Saturday 2nd

Spent the day recovering from last weeks residential trip to Chiang Dao.

Went shopping, stocked up on really exciting things like toilet rolls and crisps at Macro.

Bar-b-que in the evening (wonder what the weather is like at home right now - tee hee tee hee). Can't remember the latter part of the evening due to plenty of strong rum punch.

Sunday 3rd

Christmas cards to write and other festive things to purchase. Need to get the house ready for Mark and Angie, my Christmas visitors.

I've decided to return to Singapore for the new year celebrations.

Watched "Hollow Man". Don't bother if you haven't seen it already (unless you are into special effects). If you are planning on going to see it, look out for the scene, just after the ape has become visible again and they have a celebratory party... when the two are quietly talking, I'm sure you can see the boom mike popping in and out of the top of the picture:

Monday 4th

Why in Thailand is it against the law to gamble but not against the law to capture small birds, put them in very small cages, then sell them so that the buyer can have the pleasure of releasing the imprisoned bird?

Tuesday 5th

Today is the King's birthday. Happy birthday your Majesty and thanks for the public holiday today. Last night I saw all the illuminations in the city in honour of the King, Christmas and the new year.

On the front of today's Bangkok Post; as well as a picture of the King, is the following story:

Traders want the pavement on each side of Oxford Street, in London's West End, divided into two lanes, one with a minimum speed of 3mph.

A campaign code-named Operation Tugboat, aims to reduce aggressive behaviour or "pavement rage" among pedestrians on the packed shopping street. The plans, which have been submitted to Westminster City council, are intended to make life easier for people who have to battle through tourists and shoppers to get to work.

Rhona Harrison, a spokesman for Operation Tugboat, said that the street would be patrolled by marshals and slow walkers found straying into the fast lane could be fined £10. Speed cameras could even be used.

Speed cameras !!!

Wednesday 6th

Have booked hotels in Koh Samet, Singapore and Batam (Indonesia) for the new year holiday.

Thursday 7th

Sent off Christmas cards today. Wonder when they'll get there?

Received first Christmas card from UK today, Thanks Shep.

Friday 8th

It must be a marketing strategy... I subscribe to the ".NET" magazine which is posted out to me from the UK. I received the January 2001 edition in November. Inside the list of events for the next four weeks runs from 25 Nov to 21 Dec so why is it the January 2001 edition? Does giving a magazine a future date prolong its shelf life? Could newspapers do it?

It is a very good magazine though!

Saturday 9th

Played tennis at 7am !!!!

I think I should sleep for the rest of the day now

Sunday 10th

Champagne Brunch with the Maths Teachers at the Parkview restaurant.


Monday 11th

Found a great site for buying Christmas presents online for ladies, it's called "Gifts For Birds"!

Lay down this evening and started reading my book (a sure way to send me off to sleep). Top of page 63:

"... and watching some daytime offering on BBC1 - a panel discussion involving people who were impotent or from Wolverhampton or suffering from some other personal catastrophe...."

What's wrong with coming from Wolverhampton?

Heard from Sam

"I'm sure Kev's told you that we're hosting a young Turk for the first three months of next year, so we're frantically trying to make preparations.  I don't think Emma's quite there yet as she keeps asking when the turkey is coming! "

Tuesday 12th

Received this email today:

Dear Sir or Madam

Please send some catalogs,magazine and information about your company.
look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Mohsen Farzanian
East Amerkabear S.T
Babol/ Mazandaran / IRAN

Wednesday 13th

Discovered that I could make phonecalls to England through the Internet very cheaply. Not a very good line though and lots of echo. Sorry to the people back home I experimented on.

Thursday 14th

Talked the top maths group in year 11 to do a really funny item in tomorrow's awards assembly. It was really funny... but has been postponed till January as the boss wants a serious assembly tomorrow (bah... humbug!!).

Thanks Nan for the funniest Christmas card this year:

"Hello John, This is your poor old Nan walking around on 2 walking sticks, suffering from flaming shingles all over me (joke). When I get well again, I am going to get drunk as a lord, and find a nice red light area. I know I shall be mutton dressed as lamb 91 years old but you know what they say... a little dab of powder and a little dab of paint makes a lady's complexion , just what it aint!"

Friday 15th

Whole school assembly (outside). Santa arrives on an elephant!

School's Out For Christmas !!!! Yipee

Saturday 16th

Box arrives from my recent visitors. TNT'd from Heathrow... like a red cross food parcel. Contains 48 pork sausages, 200 pyramid shaped tea bags, two jars of Marmite and two packets of Yorkshire pudding mix. brilliant... Thanks

Sunday 17th

This time of year is great for hearing from people you haven't heard from in years:

Hello Sir!!!

Bet you didn't expect to hear from me!! So how are you doing?
I lost your e-mail address but managed to do a successful search on the internet for your name - For a millisecond I thought you had left the mathematics area and taken up poetry in Australia!!

So you must be enjoying Thailand (oh yeah, I love the midi file on the web page even though it meant sacking my winamp session!!). I had a quick browse through your December diary - You are obviously still very motivated and organised - I like your style!!

With me? O.K, It's been a very busy year! I've managed to forge myself a career in Information Security. I've been sponsored to study a MSc. in Information Security at Royal Holloway, London (I never once dreamt I'd reach this kind of education. After finishing school, I didn't even want to go to college because all I wanted to do was doss about - How insane!!) and will be starting a new job in 2001 as a ... wait for it.... Hacker!!, well 'penetration tester' sounds too boring!

It's for a Swedish company called Defcom that has contracts with insurance co's. to break into the insurance co's clients (mainly banking institutes) in order to determine premiums based on their level of IT security. I'm so looking forward to starting the position but have SO much to learn!! Enough about me..

The people I still am in contact with:

Saidul (We got a bit drunk last night and he stayed over at mine, working at Nortel Networks in Maidenhead, enjoying the good life!!). Sabia's doing well too, she's recently finished her business degree.

Sohail (Working in Nottingham Trent Uni, IT dept)

Loiuse (Final Year uni in London somewhere, Biomedical Science or something similar)

Kevin Reid (Working for BT in Ipswitch, IT stuff, enjoying life too)

Rezwanar Raham (Rejy), I think he was in our maths class for a bit) - This guy is gonna surprise you... He finished school with no qualifications or anything, he used to doss about quite a bit and not even turn up to school. After 2 years of more dossing he decided to start studing. He retook all his gcse and passed, then started A-levels and passed, and most recently started studying medicine at King's college London.

Monawar - Finished Engineering degree with a 2i but taking life easy now.

Bodar, Abdul Joinal, etc. are all studying too but I've kind of lost cantact with those guys..

It's been about 4 years since I left Birmingham so I don't get a chance to meet up with many people but I do hear from the above quite frequently - Kevin, way too much!!!. Overall, I'd say that everyone is doing well and I haven't heard of anyone doing anything silly - be proud Sir, we only have yourself to thank.

Anyway, when are you gonna come to the UK?

If you can come down soon, make sure you let me know and I'll get as many people as I can together. We haven't had any kind of re-union yet so it'd be excellent to see everyone again.

Better let you go.



Monday 18th

Yesterday afternoon was a great surprise. I was invited by some of the Thai staff at school to join them at 5pm in Lumpini park to listen to a concert by the Bangkok Symphony Orchestra. We had a picnic (with beer) prepared for us on a mat quite near the front. The music was a blend of Eastern and Western tunes with guest singers (including Miss Thailand 2000 and the Governor of Bangkok). 

Sitting there as the sun set behind us, seeing the tops of the skyscrapers behind the palm trees in the park, seeing distant planes taking off with the sun reflecting off their sides. What a great way to spend Sunday afternoon!

Tuesday 19th

I have never, in all my life, bought a tree before. All that changed today when I bought a palm tree for the roof! A bargain too (after bartering) only £8 (500 baht)...... although I did give a 100 baht tip to the little Thai guy who carried it up all five flights of stairs and nearly passed out.

Wednesday 20th

 Can't find Christmas crackers or parsnips in any of the shops here.

Thursday  21st

 Received a Christmas card from Japan addressed "To Jone"

Friday 22nd

Talk about team spirit... when the Thai staff at school have a sports day and divide into four teams, they certainly know how to show enthusiasm. The noise could be heard from the far side of the campus but who cares? They were the only people left in the place:

Saturday 23rd

Angela and Mark arrive after their exceedingly long journey via Dubai and an overnight stop in Columbo, Sri Lanka. A bit like Santa they came bearing Christmas presents from the folk back home.

Christmas Eve

 What a magnificent way to spend Christmas Eve.... A stroll at dusk through Lumpini Park, Christmas music by the Bangkok Symphony Orchestra. Dinner cruise along the "River of Kings" from the Oriental Hotel followed by fireworks over the river. Brilliant

Christmas Day

Presents, Christmas Lunch (traditional), Sleep in front of TV, Jazz at The Saxaphone, Evening meal at The Barbican ending up seeing the "Thai Elvis" at Radio City.

Boxing Day

Mark and Ange are off to do the cultural thing today,,, temples, palaces and shopping... I've fully equipped them with maps and guide books, I've counted them out ... I wonder if I'll ever see them again?

On the front of today's Bangkok Post:

"Police and Fire crews rescued a partly dressed woman dangling from a third storey bathroom window in Germany because the doors in her flat have no knobs.
Climbing down a fire truck ladder, the relieved 34 yr old explained she had only one makeshift knob which fits all the doors in her home, but had neglected to take it with her to the lavatory.
Bundling towels and laundry together, she was attempting to abseil to the street when she discovered her impromptu lifeline was too short.
At the end of her rope, her shrieks alerted neighbours."

Wednesday 27th - Friday 29th

Romote Island Holiday at Koh Samet with Mark and Ange


Saturday 30th - 3rd January

New Year Celebrations in Singapore and Batam (Indonesia)


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