The Diary:

May 1999

1st - 3th May

May Day Holiday Weekend

Rain stops play ... click above to read about it

4th May

Star Wars Day .... May the fourth be with you!

5th May

Just heard from Nick the sad news that John Marchant passed away. "one of those unforgettable characters that are part of the wallpaper of our lives. Once met, never forgotten. I wondered how he would react to news like this, and that would be by opening a bottle of his famous home made wine and getting spliced....". Good old John...God Bless.

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6th May

My nephew Jamie ... Makes the local paper!

Jamie in the paper

7th May

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) -- A Buddhist monk donated gold and cash worth nearly $8.8 million to Thailand's treasury Tuesday to help bail the government out of the Asian economic crisis.

Phra Maha Bua Yanasampanno has campaigned over the past two years to get Thais to part with gold and currency to help their nation.

On Tuesday, the 87-year-old monk turned over 1,043 pounds of donated gold worth $5.8 million, plus $3 million in cash, bringing the total donations in his campaign to more than $13 million.

8th May

Happy Birthday Mom (though she won't see this, she's on holiday!)

I don't know if it's the change in the weather that's caused it but the street dogs are getting a little more lively these days. I've been chased by three recently .. and I'm not the only one!

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9th May

Just like the telephone fifty years ago, the internet today is starting to be more widely used by not just the computer nurds. Spent this afternoon helping Alan and Julie set up the Connah web pages. Mike Williams won't be far behind ... just you wait ... Nick Cripps too ... and one day Rupert will get those photos of his uploaded ....

10th May

Morlock Signs make many of the roadsigns you see in the UK. Sowi, who works for them, asked me to take some pictures of road signs here in Thailand.... and now Morlock have put those pictures I took just outside Pantip plaza on their web site. So if you've finished reading your dictionary and want to look at a page of (very interesting) road signs, they're here!

11th May

A dozen or so teachers were asked to meet the two shortlisted candidates for the position of Principal here at Patana School. I was one of these apostles and today was the chance to spend an hour with the first of the two candidates. A doctor (OBE) currently working in New York. He spent time looking around the school too...

The pupils at school are so well behaved.. If you are going to teach anywhere, Patana wouldn't be a bad choice... better than say Bangladesh:

DHAKA, Bangladesh (Reuters) -- More than 10,000 Bangladesh students sitting college final exams have been expelled for copying from text books, demanding the right to cheat in examinations and beating up teachers, education officials said.

They said over half a million students appeared in the Higher Secondary Certificate examinations which started on Thursday.

"Over 10,000 students have been expelled in the first two tests on Thursday and Saturday," one official said.

Violence over the two days ranged from stoning of teachers by students and their friends, setting examination rooms on fire and assaulting invigilators, police said.

Students angry at not being allowed to cheat inside examination halls tore up questions, snatched away answer sheets and assaulted the monitors in northern Sherpur district, police and officials said, adding that similar incidents had occurred at various other centres.

12th May

There is a chat page on the Sahotas Web Site and it's always nice to know that the album I contributed to is now a collectors item! ... well almost:

Mon May 10 12:45:41 1999 BST
Yo, can anyone tell me where I can get hold of the album The Right Time?, if yes can you e-mail me on, respect bro
Mon May 10 12:54:15 1999 BST
"The Right Time" album aint on sale no more. It was on limited edition only. The album did pretty well on the LIVE scene.
Tue May 11 13:35:39 1999 BST
Hey, come sta, Italiano eccellentino, nice musica e' Sahotas.....Fantastcico! Luiso,
Perugia, Italia.

13th May

Thinking of buying a nice pair of speakers in a thick wood cabinet. Seen some I like for 5500 baht but haven't got a clue whether this is good value or not. Don't know much about buying speakers, technical specs etc Anyone out there know? Muky, are you reading this?

14th May

The good news is that there will be a new Lamb Kong in two months! Avid diary readers will know that the old Lamb Kong, my local Thai live music venue, burned down a couple of months ago. The charred remains have now been taken away and they are now preparing the ground for the new building:

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15th May

Still trying to decide where to live next year, The options are:

  1. Stay here in Happyland which is 4 minutes by minibus in the morning to school;

  2. Follow the trend of finding a trendy appartment in the city.

Today was Saturday so I thought I'd have a look in more detail at the area everyone seems to be looking at for apartments next year. Lumpini Park always looks good in the morning. Took a picture (see below) and processed it with the "Make this photo look like a painting" effect I've just found. hmmm

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16th May

"I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to stop going to those places."

Thought I'd go with Zita and Jo to see the apartments they're looking at for next year. Right in the centre of town. Still can't make up my mind...

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Hey there's another trick that this software can do .. put frames around pictures ... cool eh?

[Hey Zita and Jo ... if you right click on the picture above you can save it to your hard disk then attach it to emails you send to your loved ones showing your new pad!]

They both chose a nice apartment then dragged me (kicking and screaming) down to the Bulls Head, a pub more British than a very very British pub. Can't believe I was here in South East Asia drinking Guiness and eating fish and chips (Or fishin-ships as the waitress called them).

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Back to reality as Zita and I ended the day bopping (Zita not me) in Baan Khun Thai ... good loud Thai music to remind us just where we really were.

17th May

There's always one isn't there... who replies to emails with the reply at the bottom of all the text from previous messages that gets automatically quoted ... so thet you have to scroll down past pages of previous conversations to find the new message. ... mentioning no names but his initials are Nick Cripps.

But I forgive hime unreservedly as he has been sending me such invaluable advice for selecting the new speakers I'm thinking of buying:

"Well, as long as the flange brackets intermesh with the lithe sockets, and the dust crust is at least as thick as a slice of bread, then you can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.

Hope that eases your mind and helps you decide.


18th May

"Touchy aren't we?

I'll never re-mail again after that!

You are so lucky going dancing with that actress. You know...........
Catherine, Zita, Jo. I always liked her in the Darling Buds of May and
now she's living in your neck of the woods. You do mix with stars.


19th May

If today were a breakfast it would be toast! Just an ordinary sort of day with nothing out of the ordinary happening. Not very sunny.. few showers. Average day at school, mediocre lessons then a typical after school meeting. Afternoon nap lasting exactly an hour then evening working at home culminating in the usual trip to Lamb Kong.

[Thinks: need some jam or Marmite!]

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20th May

I received a letter from Christine and Loz who were having a week in France at the Jones' place:

"Earlier today we met Tag, he is a rep for Eurosites, he is about 23, doesn't have much money and I don't think he likes to cook!! I think he has decided to adopt us. Loz says I must tell you more about Tag. He has just finished University, his parents are separated. He went to boarding school at 12 in England because he has a famous mother who is Swedish (Clue No.1). He has an Uncle Benny (Clue No. 2). His mother was one of 2 lead female singers in a group that was big in the 70s/80s (clue No. 3). Their music is now enjoying a revival (clue No. 4). A musical, written by Uncle Benny about the whole group has just opened in London (Clue number 5)…"

Click here for answer

21st May

Played Samantha and Martin at squash this afternoon in the school squash courts. Haven't played for three or four years ... don't ask the result..

My Thai teacher gave me a cooking lesson .. The idea is for me to cook some Thai food when I get back to England for the summer ...

Thai cooking lesson

Click here to see the detailed recipe

22nd May

What a great day ... Arsenal vs Thailand at one of the huge national stadiums here in Bangkok. The atmosphere was just so friendly with people passing around drinks and food. Mike had the whole crowd doing the Mexican wave at one point ... JP would have been proud. Rachel (star of the Beach) spoke her best Thai when a group of us were interviewed by one of the Thai TV stations. Hope pupils from school weren't watching as we made fools of ourselves, with painted faces in front of the TV cameras.

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We went supporting Thailand, who beat Arsenal in  the friendly game, though who cared who won? Just as we left the stadium the rain came down like never before .... and when 60 000 people are all looking for taxis at the same time....

Luckily we got ourselves a taxi and headed straight for Delaneys, the Irish pub, where they were showing the UK FA cup final on giant screen TV. Mike bought us Tourist T shirts to change into as we were so wet  ... I think there are sequins on mine ... so watch out ... someone at home will be getting this Amazing Thailand T-shirt when I return in July!

23rd May

The newspapers here report the UK F.A. cup final above the Thai National side's game... but at least Mike's Mexican wave got a mention:

As always the well-behaved Thai crowd played their part in the evening's entertainment. At times it almost resembled a pop concert as the spectators applauded their heroes after a particularly clever cameo. There was the customary Mexican Wave when the crowd got restless in the second half when it looked like the game was drifting towards a 3-3 draw.


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24th May

A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure.

25th May

"I have to express some concern.......eating at a fish and chip shop, drinking Guiness, going down the Arsenal, singing football chants, then on to an Irish bar.

It sounds very much to me like you've got a virus and should see a doctor straight away. Expattyus commonmanitus has all of those symptoms, and more. Look out for tatoos breaking out on your arms, hair getting very short, hankies on your head and a copy of the Sun sprouting from your rear pocket. I prescribe that you get back to Thai food and music, and try to forget these tendencies.


26th May

Subject: The Daily Tabloid

I must say, I am thoroughly enjoying being a journalist and writing most of your diary this month.


27th May

'Nother parents evening ... yeuch ... long day at work. Haven't got the energy to do much now... just ordered a pizza .... guess it's more symptoms of expattyus commonmanitus

28th May

You know how sometimes the telephone rings and it is a wrong number. Well occasionally I get "wrong number" emails too:

From: Mr. Yehia Ahmed Mohamed Abd El-Aziz
National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG)
Space Research Department
Helwan(11421) - Cairo - Egypt.

Dear Prof.

I am delighted to write to you concerning my Ph.D. project.
Firstly, I want to introduce myself. I am an assistant  Researcher in Space Research Department, National Research Institute of  Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG). Helwan, Cairo, Egypt.
I registered for Ph.D. degree. Thesis in the filed of orbital  mechanics of artificial satellite. The title of the thesis  " Luni-Solar effects on the   Geosynchronous orbits at and away from the  critical inclination". Now I am nominated for Ph.D. scholarship from  Egyptain Government to complete my Ph.D. thesis abroad for about two years  under an Egyptain Educational system called Internal missions system  program. According to this internal Missions System,   (tuition, health insurance and standard fees) will be paid by the  Egyptain Government. Theses Internal missions System requires an agreement from a foreign supervisor saying that he agree to accept the student in his  institute and supervise him during his stay in his institute. I would be most grateful if you could kindly accept to complete my Ph.D. work in  your department. An official letter of you're is necessary and the  fees required by your university so that I  can introduce letter to the university board for getting the approval.  As you know, the Egyptian Culture Bureau in your country will be involved  in selecting the university, which requires less fees. Attached are my research plan and C.V. If you are not interested to my research plane, please tell me about the address of other proffessor in the field of
orbital mechanics of artificial satellite.
Thank you very much for your kind help and I am looking answer.

Sincerely Yours
Yehia Ahmed Mohaed Abd El-Aziz

29th May

Ah-ha ... new modem fitted to this computer after lightening blew the last one. Must remember to unplug the mains and the telephone line when there's the slightest hint of inclement weather!

30th May

Haven't gone anywhere special on this long weekend so I spent the money on a large screen TV... wow it's excellent ... with sub wooffer [Thinks: hope it's house trained!]

31st May

Bank holiday Monday. Spent the morning forcing myself to sit down and write the Yr 7 reports. 12:30pm, finished the job and decided to stroll down the lane in shorts and flip-flops to get some lunch from a road side stall.

Suddenly I froze in my tracks as a two foot long snake slithered across the road in front of me. It was heading straight for the open door of a house inside which was a sleeping woman and baby in a crib.....

What happened next?

Version 1 [ When they make the film of my life story... this will be the screenplay]

I immediately ran between the house and the snake to save the baby. The snake reared up, hissing and showing huge, blood stained fangs. I reached for a stick and swiped at the snake but it was too fast for me and sprung towards me planting its fangs into my neck. With my right hand behind it's head, I reached for my handy Scout Swiss Army Knife with my left hand. The gatherd crown cheered as I plunged the sharp blade into the gullet of the deadly poisonous snake which had now expanded to three times it's original size. After also fighting off the lepards, tigers, bears and Soi dogs that had been attracted by the fight I was proclaimed the hero of the day and paraded through the streets of Bangkok on a big red bus like a triple cup winning football team.

Version 2 [What really happened]

A minibus pulled up at the neighbours house and two people got out. I shouted over to them in my best Thai to warn the sleeping family of the approaching snake (...and the word for snake is not easy to pronounce in Thai!). The woman woke, came to the door and the snake slithered off into some plants.



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