Create a Parent or Tutor Account

Create a Parent or Tutor Account

The cost of a Transum Mathematics subscription in British pounds is fixed and guaranteed not to change from now until at least 1 Apr 2025 however the cost in other currencies is subject to exchange rate fluctuations.

This is an application form for a Transum subscription for a parent or private tutor. The fee of £69 is for a period of one year with the option to renew at the end of the year.

A Transum Maths subscription provides:

  • Access to answers for all online exercises, quizzes, and puzzles.
  • Worked solutions for exam-style questions at GCSE, A-level, and IB level.
  • An ad-free experience for you and others in your location (based on IP addresses).
  • Access to quality external links on each of the Transum topic pages.
  • A section on the topic pages to store external links that you have found yourself.
  • A monthly email newsletter with updates about resources on the Transum website.
  • Printable worksheets in addition to printable exercises.
  • An eclectic collection of members-only resources to diversify the learning experience.
  • The ability to award trophies to your child for any reason you choose.
  • The satisfaction of supporting the development of this otherwise free resource for learners around the world.

And here is a video showing what membership includes.

First Name*:
Last Name*:
Email Address*:
Re-enter Password*:
Child's School:
Main reason for subscribing*:
Any other comments:
 To prevent spam please type in the number you see above:

 I agree to the terms and conditions shown below:

 I am ready to pay the annual fee of £69 via Paypal (using balance or credit card);

 I am ready to pay the annual fee of £69 with a credit card via WorldPay;

* The fields marked with an asterisk are needed, the other fields are optional. is a proud supporter of the kidSAFE Seal Program