Decimals Line

Leftmost number: showing a


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Prime Prevention

Prime Prevention

Players take turns placing numbers from 1-9 on the grid. Avoid making three-digit prime numbers in any direction! So far this activity has been accessed 318 times and 3 Transum Trophies have been awarded for completing it.

Decimals Line

A number line showing tenths and hundredths with draggable markers. This is a visual aid designed to be projected onto a whiteboard for whole class exposition.

For the teaching of negative (directed) numbers see the original Number Line.

Change the numbers displayed on the number line by using the dropdown boxes above. The two arrows are available to drag up to the number line to show certain values.

The numbers on the arrows are editable so that you can use this resource for a range of decimal fractions.

There are many more Decimals activities on There are pupil activities, teacher resources and lesson starters.

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