If all the bells ring together at noon, at what time will they next all ring together? This problem requires the use of LCM.
Can you use the digits on the left of this clock along with any mathematical operations to equal the digits on the right?
Fifteen pennies are placed in four envelopes and the envelopes are sealed. It is possible to pay someone any amount from 1p to 15p by giving them one or more envelopes.
How old is a person if when her age is divided by certain numbers, the calculator display ending are as shown.
Begin with one, double it, double it again and so on. How many numbers in this sequence can you write down before the register has been called?
If each number in a sequence must be a factor or multiple of the previous number what is the longest sequence that can be made from the given numbers?
Find four single digit numbers that multiply together to give 120. How many different ways are there of answering this question?
If all the students in this room shook hands with each other, how many handshakes would there be altogether?
Which numbers when multiplied by the number of letters in the word(s) of the number give square numbers?
Find which numbers in a given list do not combine with other numbers on the list to make a given sum.
Arrange the numbers on the snowballs so that no two consecutive numbers are directly connected by rope.
The classic game of Nim played with a group of pens and pencils. The game can be extended to the multi-pile version.
Arrange the numbers on the cards so that each of the three digit numbers formed horizontally are square numbers and each of the three digit numbers formed vertically are even.
Find the consective numbers that are added or multiplied to give the given totals
Arrange the digits one to nine to make a number which is divisible in the way described.
Drag the numbers onto the net so that when it is folded to form a cube numbers on opposite faces add up to prime numbers.
Practise using the quick ways to spot whether a number is divisible by the digits two to nine.
A visual aid designed to be projected in the classroom. Here you can find the quick ways of telling whether a number is exactly divisible by the numbers two to twelve.
You will need to be quick on the draw to shoot all of the numbers except the square numbers.
An online board game for two players involving prime and square numbers and making choices.
The digital version of the popular fizz buzz game. Press the buzzers if they are factors of the counter.
Examples of formal written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Arrange the numbered footballs on the goal posts to make three, 3-number products that are all the same.
Practise finding the highest common factor (H.C.F), sometimes called the greatest common divisor, and the lowest common multiple (L.C.M) of two numbers.
A demonstration of how to find the highest common factor (HCF or GCD) and the lowest common multiple (LCM) of two numbers.
These hot numbers challenges are for students with no access to a computer and are presented in a form suitable to be projected onto a whiteboard in front of a class.
Move the numbered cards to form five 2-digit numbers which obey the given rules. A ten-stage numeracy challenge.
An investigation of the minimum number of moves required to make the blue and green frogs swap places.
Find all of the possible ways of making the magic total from the numbers in this four by four magic square.
Investigate this amazing mind reading performance based on simple mathematical principles.
Determine the nature of adding, subtracting and multiplying numbers with specific properties.
Nim is a mathematical game of strategy in which two players take turns removing objects from groups of objects.
Find which numbers in a given list do not combine with other numbers on the list to make a given sum.
This number line visual aid is designed to be projected onto a whiteboard for whole class exposition.
A poem about the numbers one to nine. Just for fun can you make up a last line for each verse?
Show that you know how many whatsits are in a thingamabob and other 'Numbers In A ...' answers.
Find the pairs of numbers that multiply together to give a product of 240 in this collection of matching games.
An exercise exploring the properties of nine-digit numbers containing each of the digits 1 to 9.
See the number patterns on Pascal's Triangle with this colourful, interactive application.
Pick the prime fruit from the tree as quickly as possible. Practise to improve your personal best time.
Imagine you are on a desert island with nothing but a pack of playing cards. Do you have to stop learning mathematics?
Interactive jigsaw puzzles of different types of grids containing prime numbers.
A game for two players who take turns to select two numbers that add up to a prime number.
Players take turns placing numbers from 1-9 on the grid. Avoid making three-digit prime numbers in any direction!
Drag the numbers into the red cells so that the sum of the three numbers in each row and each column is a prime number.
Arrange the given numbers in a three by three grid to obtain the diagonal, row and column products.
The traditional River Crossing challenge. Can you do it in the smallest number of moves?
This is quite a challenging number grouping puzzle requiring a knowledge of prime, square and triangular numbers.
Place the nine numbers in the table so they obey the row and column headings about the properties of the numbers.
Arrange the scallywags and scoundrels on the chairs so that the numbers of any two sitting next to each other add up to a prime number.
A self checking, interactive version of the Sieve of Eratosthenes method of finding prime numbers.
Arrange the numbers on the cards so that each of the three digit numbers formed horizontally are square numbers and each of the three digit numbers formed vertically are even.
A game for two players who take turns to select two numbers that add up to a square number.
A self-marking challenge to write each of the given numbers as the sum of three prime numbers.
Find three different ways of multiplying four different digits together to get the given target number. There are nine levels for this online challenge.
How many gifts did my true love send to me according to the traditional Christmas song 'Twelve Days of Christmas'.
An online exercise about sums, products, differences, ratios, square and prime numbers.
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