Sum Square



























Arrange the numbers one to eight on the yellow tiles to make the four totals correct.

Topics: Starter | Arithmetic | Problem Solving | Puzzles

  • Mrs McColm, Leswalt Primary School
  • This starter taught the children that things don't always happen on the first try - so you will have to try again and have patience.
  • The Best Maths Class Ever. 7cd/m2, Kind Alfred's College, Oxfordshire
  • It was really hard and appeared to rely on luck. Once we revealed the top and middle row, one or two of us got it.
  • Callum Mackinnon, Bargeddie Primary School, Primary 7
  • This I must say, is the best Maths Starter from Transum this term. I for one specifically do not believe I am good at Mathematics but this has really boosted my confidence.
  • Janet, Oaklands
  • Caretaker, Careers Adviser and a Maths teacher couldn't just leave this one until they had solved it! That was just a familiarisation session.....
  • Jean, Polesworth
  • We've been trying to do one since monday! The whole school is trying and we are yet to triumph! we have to equal 15 across the top, 12 down the left-hand side, 0 across the bottom and -2 down the right hand side! Even our top math pupils are yet to do it!!!
  • Mr M's Year 8s, Canggu Community School, Bali
  • We all sucked at this apart from Frances who was on fire! Max said he liked it and we almost had to kill Oceane because she got it wrong! Thanks for a great starter.
  • J Leckey, ICD, Dungannon, NI.
  • Leila and Aaron completed this in 5 mins! They are both first year students.
  • Ms Henderson, Harrow International School Beijing
  • We tried 3 times, working as a class and we solved it!!! Ms Henderson's Y3 class rocks!!
  • Karen, DNPS
  • We tried the task and Grade 4R found it challenging and interesting. We had two answers that were different to the answer supplied
    + +
    6 3
    + -
    = =
    16 0
    + +
    1 4
    + -
    = =
    16 0.
  • Mrs W, St Joseph's Catholic College, Bradford
  • We found the answer in one lesson!
  • 8A3, All Hallows, Penwortham
  • Too easy, it only took us 30 seconds. How cool are we.
  • Mrs Woods S1 Class, Waid Academy, Fife, Scotland
  • My class got this in 15 seconds!!! Well done you clever people.
  • Mr Rawling, Springwood High School
  • Matthew did it in 2 minutes. Isn't he a clever boy!
  • Y6 Maths Maniacs, Nottingham
  • It was tricky but we solved it in the end.
  • Mrs Pimmple,
  • We took about 10 of tries but on the 11th e got it in 15 seconds! Go 6P!
  • Nathaniel, Scoraig School
  • I completed this in ten minutes!
  • Nick, Waipahu Intermediate
  • Is there any other way of doing this apart from trial and error?

    [Transum: Hello Nick. It really depends on the given totals that are generated when the page loads. Some totals make the puzzle easier than others. Can I suggest that a more manageable puzzle is Latin Square and you can choose the level most suitable for your class.]
  • Transum,
  • Following on from Nick's comment above I have adjusted this Starter so that the puzzle you first see is one that minimises the amount of 'trial and error' required to solve it. This makes it easier than a randomly generated puzzle. However I have included a button to generate a random puzzle for those who enjoy a challenge. Good Luck!

How did you use this starter? Can you suggest how teachers could present or develop this resource? Do you have any comments? It is always useful to receive feedback and helps make this free resource even more useful for Maths teachers anywhere in the world.
Click here to enter your comments.

Previous Day | This starter is for 27 April | Next Day



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Note to teacher: Doing this activity once with a class helps students develop strategies. It is only when they do this activity a second time that they will have the opportunity to practise those strategies. That is when the learning is consolidated. Click the button above to regenerate another version of this starter from random numbers.

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Laptops In Lessons

Teacher, do your students have access to computers such as tablets, iPads or Laptops?  This page was really designed for projection on a whiteboard but if you really want the students to have access to it here is a concise URL for a version of this page without the comments:

However it would be better to assign one of the student interactive activities below.

Laptops In Lessons

Here is the URL which will take them to a similar activity.

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