Seeing Squares

A Maths Starter Of The Day


How many square numbers greater than 10 can you find in the lists above?



Topics: Starter | Number

  • 7A1 , St Cecilia's Lancashire
  • We noticed that you missed some of the square numbers for example you highlighted 25 in red it had a 6 next to it and 256 is a square number.
  • Grade 11 College Class, Port Hope, Ontario, Canada
  • This class went up to 21 squared and found 25 answers. They noticed that each row was also a perfect square.
  • J Hitchcox,
  • Found 225 on this puzzle too. There were others if you were allowed to go vertically.
  • 10.1B, AGGS
  • Thea spotted that the entire top row was a square number. Tilly was there too.
  • Alaa 5O, Roxeth Primary School
  • I found out the number 16 because I did it in school with my maths teacher Mrs Clague.
  • Transum,
  • Please note that each time this page is loaded a different set of numbers are provided in the grid above. That might help you understand the comments above and reassure you that you aren't going mad if you can't see the numbers being referred to. It also means that you can use this starter on multiple occasions with a class as it will be different every time. There are more randomly generated starters listed on the Random Starter page.

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Previous Day | This starter is for 7 January | Next Day


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Note to teacher: Doing this activity once with a class helps students develop strategies. It is only when they do this activity a second time that they will have the opportunity to practise those strategies. That is when the learning is consolidated. Click the button above to regenerate another version of this starter from random numbers.

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