

Draw transformations online and have them instantly checked. Includes reflections, translations, rotations and enlargements.

Map Scales
Test your understanding of map scales expressed as ratios with this self marking quiz.

Similar Shapes
Questions about the scale factors of lengths, areas and volumes of similar shapes.

Blow Up
Click on all the points that could be the centre of enlargement of the shape if the image does not go off the grid.


This is the main Transum help video on Enlargements.

Enlargement by a scale factor
A Maths teacher goes through the idea of enlarging a shape from a centre of enlargement.

How to enlarge a shape by a positive scale factor and a centre of enlargement. Includes a scale factor less than 1 and a centre of enlargement inside the shape.

Scale Factors Video
The scale factor, area factor and volume factor of similar shapes are quite different.

Negative Enlargement
A video from MathsWatch about Enlargement by a Negative Scale Factor.


Big Bieber
If the dimensions of an object double, its volume increases by a factor of eight.

Middle of Centres
The blue point is exactly in the middle of two red points. What are their coordinates?

Star Wars Day
Estimate the size of an alien given the size of their hand. This could be an introduction to scale factors.

11 items are currently in this category.

Teachers might find the complete Enlargements Topic List useful.

When areas and volumes are enlarged the results are far from intuitive. Doubling the dimensions of a rectangle produces a similar shape with four times the area! Doubling the dimensions of a cuboid produces a similar shape with eight times the volume!

The activities provided are intended to give pupils experiences of dealing with enlargements so that they better understand the concept and are able to produce diagrams, make models and answer questions on this subject.

Once positive integer scale factors have been mastered the notion of fractional and negative scale factors await discovery!

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