

Which Transformation?
Identify which simple transformations these diagrams represent.

Alpha Twist
Develop your skills and understanding of rotation in this fast-paced challenge.

Transformation Tetris
Develop your skills translating and rotating shapes in this fast paced classic game.

Draw transformations online and have them instantly checked. Includes reflections, translations, rotations and enlargements.

Vector Cops
Help the cops catch the robbers by finding the vectors that will end the chase.

Rotational Symmetry Pairs
The traditional pairs or pelmanism game adapted to test knowledge of rotational symmetry.

Blow Up
Click on all the points that could be the centre of enlargement of the shape if the image does not go off the grid.


Find all the triangles that can be drawn by joining dots on a 3 by 3 grid of dots.

Drag the shapes onto the canvas to create tessellating patterns then try the tessellations quiz.


This is the main Transum help video on Transformations.

Transformations Song
The four basic transformations have been put to music!

Transformations Video
A demonstration of the four basic transformations: reflection, translation, rotation and enlargement.

Enlargement by a scale factor
A Maths teacher goes through the idea of enlarging a shape from a centre of enlargement.

Negative Enlargement
A video from MathsWatch about Enlargement by a Negative Scale Factor.

Visual Aids

Rotation Visual Aid
A Geogebra manipulative that shows the effect of rotating an object with a moveable centre of rotation.

Transformations of Functions
A visual aid showing how various transformations affect the graph of a function.


Dice Reflections
A dice is reflected in two mirrors. What numbers can be seen?

Mirror Maths
The bottom half of some symmetrical calculations are shown above. Can you work out the answers?

Reflective Cat
On squared paper copy the drawing of the face then reflect it in three different lines.

Rotational Symmetry
Draw a pattern with rotational symmetry of order 6 but no line symmetry.

Wrapping Paper
Find the order of rotational symmetry of the repeating pattern.

18 items are currently in this category.

Teachers might find the complete Transformations Topic List useful.

A transformation in mathematics is an operation performed on a shape (or points) which changes the view of that shape (or points). This topic includes four transformations namely reflection, translation, rotations and enlargement.

A reflection can best be described as the mirror image of a shape in a given line (which acts as the mirror). After reflection the shape remains the same size but the orientation is the mirror image of the original.

The transformation known as a translation can be thought of as a movement or shift in position. The size and orientation of the shape remains the same but the position on the plane changes.

A rotation can be described as turning. This transformation is defined by the angle of turning and the centre of rotation (the point which does not move during the turning).

Finally enlargement is the term we use when a shape increases in size but maintains the same shape. The shape after enlargement is defines as being similar to the shape before enlargement. His use of the word similar has a precise mathematical meaning. All of the angles in the enlarged shape are the same as the angles in the original shape and the lengths of the sides are in the same proportion. An enlargement is defines by the scale factor of the enlargement and the centre of enlargement. We use the term enlargement even if the shape becomes smaller (a scale factor between minus one and one). A negative scale factor will produce an enlarged mirror image of the original shape.

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