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Year 7 Activities

Gradient of a Line

Gradient of a Line

Practise the skill of finding the gradients of straight lines by counting squares and dividing rise by run.

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Time Totals

Time Totals

Ten questions requiring a time calculation based on popular films.

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How Many of Each?

How Many of Each?

Work out how many items were bought from the information given.

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Express as a Fraction

Express as a Fraction

Express one quantity as a fraction of another, where the fraction could be less than 1 or a mixed number.

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Area and Perimeter

Area and Perimeter

Show that you know the area and perimeter formulas of basic shapes.

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A series of self-marking exercises on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions.

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Players decide where to place the cards to make an equation with the largest possible solution.

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Boxed In Fractions

Boxed In Fractions

The classic dots and boxes two-player game with the addition of some fractions which determine your score.

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Yohaku Puzzles

Yohaku Puzzles

Fill in the blank spaces so that the cells give the sum or the product shown in each row and column.

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Cracked Clock Quiz

Cracked Clock Quiz

A self marking set of ten mathematical questions about a clock which cracked!

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Calculate the missing fractions in these partly completed arithmagon puzzles.

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Months of the Year

Months of the Year

Match the month name with the month number in this drag and drop activity

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Magic Square Jigsaws

Magic Square Jigsaws

Interactive jigsaw puzzles of four by four magic squares.

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Coordinates Picture

Coordinates Picture

Plot the coordinates and join them with straight lines to produce a picture.

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Grid Arithmetic

Grid Arithmetic

Fill in a multiplication grid with the answers to simple multiplication and division questions.

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A self marking exercise on using ratio notation, reducing a ratio to its simplest form and dividing a given quantity into a number of parts in proportion to a given ratio.

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Know Your Place

Know Your Place

Without a calculator perform some calculations requiring a knowledge of place value.

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Fickle Fractions

Fickle Fractions

Compare pairs of fractions to identify the largest or smallest in order to move through the maze.

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Double, Double, Halve and Treble

Double, Double, Halve and Treble

Questions about scaling up the ingredients in the correct proportion for the witch's brew at Hallowe'en.

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Arrange the given digits to make six 3-digit numbers that combine in an awesome way.

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Fraction of ...

Fraction of ...

Practise your ability to find a fraction of a given amount with this self marking exercise.

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Old Equations

Old Equations

Solve these linear equations that appeared in a book called A Graduated Series of Exercises in Elementary Algebra by Rev George Farncomb Wright published in 1857.

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Largest Product

Largest Product

A drag and drop activity challenging you to arrange the digits to produce the largest possible product.

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Angles in a Triangle

Angles in a Triangle

A self marking exercise involving calculating the unknown angle in a triangle.

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Xmas Consonants

Xmas Consonants

After working out which vowels are missing from the Christmas words do some basic calculations.

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Negative Numbers

Negative Numbers

Use negative numbers in basic arithmetic and algebraic calculations and word problems.

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Clock Times Pairs

Clock Times Pairs

The traditional pairs or Pelmanism game adapted to test the ability to compare analogue and digital times.

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Mix and Math

Mix and Math

Determine the nature of adding, subtracting and multiplying numbers with specific properties.

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Letter Sums

Letter Sums

Use your mental arithmetic skills to add up the values of the letters in these mathematical words.

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Area Maze

Area Maze

Use your knowledge of rectangle areas to calculate the missing measurement of these composite diagrams.

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Missing Terms

Missing Terms

Can you work out which numbers are missing from these number sequences?

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Fraction Percentage

Fraction Percentage

Match the fraction with the equivalent percentage. A drag and drop self marking exercise.

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Arrange the given numbers on the cross so that the sum of the numbers in both diagonals is the same.

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Fraction Decimal Pairs

Fraction Decimal Pairs

The traditional pairs or Pelmanism game adapted to test knowledge of simple fractions and their equivalent decimals.

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A self marking exercise on indices (powers or exponents) including evaluating expressions and solving equations.

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Basic probability questions in an online exercise.

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Time Sort

Time Sort

Arrange the analogue and digital clock faces in order from earliest to latest

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Rounding DP

Rounding DP

A self marking exercise requiring students to round numbers to a given number of decimal places.

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Magic Square

Magic Square

Each row, column and diagonal should produce the same sum.

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Fraction Percentage Pairs

Fraction Percentage Pairs

The traditional pairs or Pelmanism game adapted to test knowledge of simple fractions and their equivalent percentages.

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Particular Pipes

Particular Pipes

Construct the pipes using a set number of pieces with lengths given as fractions, decimals or percentages.

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Make 1000

Make 1000

Use the numbers on the strange calculator to make a total of 1000

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Triside Totals

Triside Totals

Arrange the digits 1 to 9 on the triangle so that the sum of the numbers along each side is equal to the given total.

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Pick The Primes

Pick The Primes

Pick the prime fruit from the tree as quickly as possible. Practise to improve your personal best time.

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Calculator Workout

Calculator Workout

An animated guide to using a scientific calculator for Secondary and High School students.

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Hi-Low Predictions

Hi-Low Predictions

A version of the Play Your Cards Right TV show. Calculate the probabilities of cards being higher or lower.

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Indices Pairs

Indices Pairs

The traditional pairs or pelmanism game adapted to test knowledge of indices.

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Birthday Days

Birthday Days

Compute the name of the day of the week from the given birthday clues.

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Rounding SF

Rounding SF

A self marking exercise requiring students to round numbers to a given number of significant figures.

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Make an expression

Make an expression

Use the digits given to form an expression equivalent to the given total.

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Pairs 240

Pairs 240

Find the pairs of numbers that multiply together to give a product of 240 in this collection of matching games.

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Area Two

Area Two

How many different shapes with an area of 2 square units can you make by joining dots on this grid with straight lines?

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Twelve Days

Twelve Days

How many gifts did my true love send to me according to the traditional Christmas song 'Twelve Days of Christmas'.

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For each pair of numbers subtract the sum from the product then divide the result by 20 without a calculator.

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A self marking exercise on identifying coordinates culminating in finding the mid point of two given points.

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Not Too Close

Not Too Close

The students numbered 1 to 8 should sit on the chairs so that no two consecutively numbered students sit next to each other.

Try It!



Name the polygons and show the number of lines and order of rotational symmetry.

Try It!



Practise finding the highest common factor (H.C.F), sometimes called the greatest common divisor, and the lowest common multiple (L.C.M) of two numbers.

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How Many Squares? 2

How Many Squares? 2

How many different sets of four dots can be joined to form a square?

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Angle Parallels

Angle Parallels

Understand and use the relationship between parallel lines and alternate and corresponding angles.

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Test your understanding of averages with this self marking quiz about mean, median and range.

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Mystery Numbers

Mystery Numbers

If '7 D in a W' stands for 7 days in a week, what do you think these mystery numbers are?

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T Puzzle

T Puzzle

Use the pieces of the T puzzle to fit into the outlines provided. A drag, rotate and drop interactive challenge.

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Missing Operations Exercise

Missing Operations Exercise

Each box represents a missing operation (add, subtract, multiply or divide). What are they?

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The Transum version of the traditional sliding tile puzzle.

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Area Wall Puzzles

Area Wall Puzzles

Divide the grid into rectangular pieces so that the area of each piece is the same as the number it contains.

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Without Lifting The Pencil

Without Lifting The Pencil

Can you draw these diagrams without lifting your pencil from the paper? This is an interactive version of the traditional puzzle.

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Vector Connectors

Vector Connectors

Exercises about vectors and coordinates; using one to find the other.

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Don't Shoot The Square

Don't Shoot The Square

You will need to be quick on the draw to shoot all of the numbers except the square numbers.

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An investigation of the minimum number of moves required to make the blue and green frogs swap places.

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Arrange the cards to create a valid mathematical statement.

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Expand algebraic expressions containing brackets and simplify the resulting expression in this self marking exercise.

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Eleven In Your Head

Eleven In Your Head

Multiply numbers by eleven in your head.

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Improper Fractions

Improper Fractions

A self-marking online exercise on converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa.

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Practise converting between miles and kilometres with this self marking quiz.

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Alpha Twist

Alpha Twist

Develop your skills and understanding of rotation in this fast-paced challenge.

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Angle Chase

Angle Chase

Find all of the angles on the geometrical diagrams.

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Multi-step Problems

Multi-step Problems

Solve multi-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why.

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Number Palindromes

Number Palindromes

A collection of activities based around the theme of palindromic numbers.

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Plotting Graphs

Plotting Graphs

Complete a table of values then plot the corresponding points to create a graph.

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Factor Trees Challenge

Factor Trees Challenge

Can you determine the unique digits that will complete these factor trees?

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Changing The Subject

Changing The Subject

Rearrange a formula in order to find a new subject in this self marking exercise.

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Mixed Numbers

Mixed Numbers

A self marking quiz about the application of the four operations to mixed numbers.

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How Many Triangles?

How Many Triangles?

A self marking step by step approach to calculating the number of triangles in a design.

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Venn Diagram

Venn Diagram

Place each of the numbers 1 to 16 on the correct regions on the Venn diagram.

Try It!



Show that you know how many whatsits are in a thingamabob and other 'Numbers In A ...' answers.

Try It!

Transformation Tetris

Transformation Tetris

Develop your skills translating and rotating shapes in this fast paced classic game.

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Words and Concepts

Words and Concepts

Fill in the missing words to show an understanding of the vocabulary of equations, inequalities, terms and factors.

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Quad Areas

Quad Areas

Calculate the areas of all the possible quadrilaterals that can be constructed by joining together dots on this grid.

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Ratios vs Fractions

Ratios vs Fractions

Relate the language of ratios and the associated calculations to the arithmetic of fractions.

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Time Arithmetic

Time Arithmetic

Practise adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing times with these self-marking exercises.

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Estimation is a very important skill. Use this activity to practise and improve your skills.

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Scale Drawings

Scale Drawings

Measure line segments and angles in geometric figures, including interpreting scale drawings.

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An online board game for two players evaluating algebraic equations and inequalities.

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A logic challenge requiring a strategy to update each of the numbers in a grid.

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