Number Systems

\(\mathbb N\): The set of natural or counting numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. Some say this set does not include zero.

\(\mathbb Z\): The set of integers. This set is the same as the set of natural numbers but includes the negative whole numbers.

\(\mathbb Q\): The set of rational numbers. These are the numbers that can be expressed as a proper fraction or one integer divided by another.

\(\mathbb R\): The set of real numbers. That is probably all the numbers you know unless you have studied the topic of Complex Numbers.

$$\mathbb R$$
$$\mathbb Q$$
$$\mathbb Z$$
$$\mathbb N$$
\(\text{one million}\)
\(\cos 40^o\)
\(\sin 30^o\)
Featured Activity

Shunting Puzzles

Shunting Puzzles

These puzzles are Transum's versions of the shunting or switching puzzles made popular by train enthusiasts and logic puzzle solvers.


Drag the numbers into the correct sets as shown in the Venn diagram above. When you have finished click on the 'Check' button above.

If you make any mistakes don't forget to do your corrections! You can have as many attempts as you want to get the right answer.

There is a solution and ad-free version of this activity available to those who have a Transum Subscription.

There are other related activities on the Transum Mathematics website to support your understanding of number.

Venn Diagram Sieve of Eratosthenes Satisfaction Recurring Decimals Number
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Complements to 100

Complements to 100

Find the pairs of numbers that add up to one hundred. So far this activity has been accessed 71 times and 6 Transum Trophies have been awarded for completing it.

Strange But True,

Monday, August 5, 2019

"Most natural numbers are very, very large!"

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