Famous Mathematicians

Great thinkers whose work has helped shaped today's world.

Jamshid al-Kashi

Image of Jamshid al-Kashi



Jamshid al-Kashi was a great mathematician from Persia who lived in the 15th century. He is known for his significant contributions to the field of mathematics, particularly in the areas of trigonometry and numerical analysis.

One of al-Kashi's most famous works is his computation of the value of pi to an unprecedented degree of accuracy. Pi is a mathematical constant that represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Al-Kashi calculated the value of pi to 17 decimal places, which was a remarkable achievement at that time.

Another important contribution of al-Kashi is his advancements in trigonometry. He developed new methods for calculating trigonometric functions and introduced improvements to existing mathematical tables. This work by al-Kashi helped to refine the study of triangles and angles, which is essential in various branches of mathematics and physics.

For school students, understanding al-Kashi's work on pi and trigonometry can deepen their knowledge of these fundamental mathematical concepts. Studying his methods can also inspire young mathematicians to explore the beauty and precision of mathematics."

Pi-Mon  Activity

Appreciate the work of Jamshid al-Kashi by trying some of the maths that this mathematician is known for.

There is an activity called Pi-Mon that you could try right now. Memorise the digits of pi with help from some musical notes.

So there's no better time than the present to learn some mathematics from the past: let's Go!

Transum has many activities for the topic 'Trigonometry' and recommends you try some of them.

Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today: let's Go!


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