Famous Mathematicians

Great thinkers whose work has helped shaped today's world.

René Descartes

Image of René Descartes



René Descartes was a great mathematician from France who lived in the 17th century. He is often referred to as the 'Father of Analytical Geometry' for his groundbreaking work in connecting algebra and geometry.

Descartes introduced the use of coordinate geometry, which paved the way for the development of modern mathematics. He developed the Cartesian coordinate system, which uses numbers and graphs to represent geometric shapes and equations. This system allows mathematicians to study geometric figures and equations in a precise and structured way.

One of Descartes' most famous contributions is the Cartesian plane, which consists of two perpendicular lines intersecting at a point called the origin. This plane is essential for graphing equations and visualizing geometric shapes.

For school students, Descartes' work is important because it helps them understand how algebraic equations can be represented graphically and how geometrical shapes can be analysed using mathematical formulas. Studying Descartes' ideas can deepen students' understanding of mathematics and its applications in various fields."

Plotting Graphs  Activity

Appreciate the work of René Descartes by trying some of the maths that this mathematician is known for.

There is an activity called Plotting Graphs that you could try right now. Complete a table of values then plot the corresponding points to create a graph.

So there's no better time than the present to learn some mathematics from the past: let's Go!

Transum has many activities for the topic 'Coordinates' and recommends you try some of them.

Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today: let's Go!


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