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Divisible By Three

Friday 1st July 2016

Before reading the rest of this newsletter you are challenged to find five two digit numbers that are multiples of three. The ten digits used in your five numbers must all be different!

Well that’s the puzzle for this month. The answer will be at the end of this newsletter.


More brand new activities have been added to the Transum website during the last month; the very latest of which has only just been uploaded. It is called Bidmaze and is a numeracy challenge requiring guiding a token through different mazes picking up mathematical operations on the way. Successfully completing a stage requires that the order of operations produces the given target. There are ten stages in each level and three levels. Level 1 targets the four basic operations with positive numbers. Level 2 extends level 1 to include negative numbers and level 3 includes finding squares and square roots. It is quite addictive!

Snooker Angles is a game for one or two players or teams. It involves the ability to estimate the angle (or bearing) of the direction the ball should travel to go into any one of the six pockets around the border of the snooker table.

Where's Wallaby is an activity for pupils involving coordinates and, for those who have learned it, Pythagoras’ theorem. Choosing coordinates on a grid will reveal the distance away that a hiding wallaby is lurking. Pupils will find themselves considering the loci of all possible hiding places before making their next guess. Transum subscribers have access to the settings to change the way the clues are given and how many wallabies must be found before a trophy is awarded.

23 or Bust is a favourite game I have played with classes I have taught over the years. This new interactive version of the game is designed for two players or one player against the computer. By playing the game a number of times pupils will start to realise that there is a strategy to be revealed. An optional printable worksheet is provided to help pupils understand the strategy.

Counter couldn’t be simpler. The title says it all, it counts! This resource can be found in the Shine+Write collection and is designed for teachers to project in the classroom for a number of learning experiences.

Finally Standard Order provides a drag-and-drop list of numbers in standard form for pupils to sort. Another example of an interactive task that can’t be provided in a hard-copy textbook.

For future reference there are two ‘mirror’ sites that contain all the Transum Starters and activities. They are at and

The only difference is that they don’t contain the details of your Transum subscription account so you won’t be able to log in there. If it looks like will be offline for a long time then I will transfer the database containing your details to so you will eventually be able to log in there too.

There are many correct solutions to this month’s puzzle but here is one: 12, 36, 45, 78 and 90.

Did you know there is a trick for quickly determining if a number is divisible by three? You can find it with similar tests for divisibility on the Divisibility Tests page.

You can find more challenges similar to this month’s puzzle, ready made to project for your Maths class, on the Hot Numbers Challenges page.

That’s all for this newsletter


PS. There are three types of people in the world, those who can count and those who can't.

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