Create a Teacher Account

Create a Teacher Account

The cost of a Transum Mathematics subscription in British pounds is fixed and guaranteed not to change from now until at least 1 Apr 2025 however the cost in other currencies is subject to exchange rate fluctuations.

This is an application form for a subscription for one teacher with multiple classes. The fee of £69 is for a period of one year with the option to renew at the end of the year.
See also School Application Form and Parent/Tutor Application Form.

A Transum subscription includes access to Class Admin and provides:

  • Answers to the pupil online exercises, quizzes and puzzles*;
  • No advertisements for you and all in your school (based on access IP addresses);
  • An online place (called Class Admin) to store your class lists so that you can access them anywhere you have an Internet connection;
  • An online tool for creating lesson plans which include many of the Transum popular resources;
  • An automatic analysis of pupils' assessments data for you, the teacher;
  • Feedback for your pupils with detailed information about how they performed in tests compared to their class mates.
  • Online tools to randomly arrange pupils in groups for class activities;
  • Online tools to create a dynamic seating plan for each of your classes;
  • A facility to print out class lists;
  • Access to quality external links on each of the Transum topic pages;
  • A place on the topic pages to store the external links you have found yourself.
  • Access to our collection of Maths Lesson Finishers.
  • Access to tables showing the Transum Trophies earned by pupils in your classes. You can also issue Transum Trophies to pupils for any reason you want.
  • A tool to help you write reports for your pupils with a little help from the software which feeds you with statements based on their marks.

And here is a video showing what all this looks like.

* There are a few activities for which it is not possible to provide answers due to the randomised feature generated by the coding.

First Name*:
Last Name*:
Email Address*:
Re-enter Password*:
Main reason for subscribing*:
Any other comments:
 To prevent spam please type in the number you see above:

 I agree to the terms and conditions shown below:

 I am ready to pay the annual fee of £69 through Paypal (using my balance or credit card);

 I am ready to pay the annual fee of £69 with a credit card via WorldPay;

 I would like to receive an invoice for the annual fee of £69.

* The fields marked with an asterisk are needed, the other fields are optional. Your password should be at least six characters long. is a proud supporter of the kidSAFE Seal Program