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Respected organisations that have linked to Transum:

OCR Mensuration Delivery Guide

Key Stage 3 Maths

Primary Games Arena


Maths Zone

Third Space Learning

School Sites

Panmure Bridge School

Westside School

Bolton School

The Breitish School of Paris

Edgbaston High School

The Royal Hospital School

Nayland College

Ysgol Emrys ap Iwan

Mitchell Middle School

St. Francis-de-Sales School


Colleen Young's Blog :: 2016 :: 2020

Mr Barton Maths Blog :: Podcast

Maths With Graham

Resourceaholic 2014 :: 2020

Mark's Maths Stuff

Mathematics – Starters and Plenaries

Mathematics Memory Activities

Open Ed Toolbox

Mr Williams' Maths

Engage Their Minds

I Love Free Software

Tablica interaktywna

Learning Lab Resources

Fraction Fanatic

Teaching to the nth Degree

CV Award

Transum Mathematics won Corporate Vision magazine's Education and Training Award for Most Engaging Mathematics Teaching Resource 2020, 2021 and 2022.


"Find the starters wonderful; students enjoy them and often want to use the idea generated by the starter in other parts of the lesson. Keep up the good work" [Comment from Ruth Seward, Hagley Park Sports College]

"An absolutely brilliant resource. Only recently been discovered but is used daily with all my classes. It is particularly useful when things can be saved for further use. Thank you!" [Comment from L Smith, Colwyn Bay]

"A really useful set of resources - thanks. Is the collection available on CD? Are solutions available?" [Comment from Mike Sendrove, Salt Grammar School, UK.]

"We all love your starters. It is so good to have such a collection. We use them for all age groups and abilities. Have particularly enjoyed KIM's game, as we have not used that for Mathematics before. Keep up the good work and thank you very much
Best wishes from Inger Kisby" [Comment from Inger.kisby@herts and, ]

"Thanks very much for this one. We developed it into a whole lesson and I borrowed some hats from the drama department to add to the fun!" [Comment from Miss J Key, Farlingaye High School, Suffolk]

"3 NQTs in the department, I'm new subject leader in this new academy - Starters R Great!! Lovely resource for stimulating learning and getting eveyone off to a good start. Thank you!!" [Comment from Carol, Sheffield PArk Academy]

"This is a great memory aid which could be used for formulae or key facts etc - in any subject area. The PICTURE is such an aid to remembering where each number or group of numbers is - my pupils love it!
Thanks" [Comment from Trish Bailey, Kingstone School]

"A set of real life savers!!
Keep it up and thank you!" [Comment from Malcolm P, Dorset]

"My year 8's absolutely loved the "Separated Twins" starter. I set it as an optional piece of work for my year 11's over a weekend and one girl came up with 3 independant solutions." [Comment from Mrs. Peacock, Downe House School and Kennet School]

"This is an excellent website. We all often use the starters as the pupils come in the door and get settled as we take the register." [Comment from Fiona Bray, Cams Hill School]

"I think that having a starter of the day helps improve maths in general. My pupils say they love them!!!" [Comment from Mr Jones, Wales]

"Just a quick note to say that we use a lot of your starters. It is lovely to have so many different ideas to start a lesson with. Thank you very much and keep up the good work." [Comment from Inger Kisby, Herts and Essex High School]

"This triangle starter is excellent. I have used it with all of my ks3 and ks4 classes and they are all totally focused when counting the triangles." [Comment from Judy, Chatsmore CHS]

"It's great to have a starter that's timed and focuses the attention of everyone fully. I told them in advance I would do 10 then record their percentages." [Comment from Julie Reakes, The English College, Dubai]

"Very good starters, help pupils settle very well in maths classroom." [Comment from S Mirza, Park High School, Colne]

"I used this with my bottom set in year 9. To engage them I used their name and favorite football team (or pop group) instead of the school name. For homework, I asked each student to find a definition for the key words they had been given (once they had fun trying to guess the answer) and they presented their findings to the rest of the class the following day. They felt really special because the key words came from their own personal information." [Comment from E Pollard, Huddersfield]

"I think this is a brilliant website as all the students enjoy doing the puzzles and it is a brilliant way to start a lesson." [Comment from Mrs Johnstone, 7Je]

"I think these are great! So useful and handy, the children love them.
Could we have some on angles too please?" [Comment from Angela Lowry, ]

"We recently had an afternoon on accelerated learning.This linked really well and prompted a discussion about learning styles and short term memory." [Comment from S Johnson, The King John School]

"Thank you so much for your wonderful site. I have so much material to use in class and inspire me to try something a little different more often. I am going to show my maths department your website and encourage them to use it too. How lovely that you have compiled such a great resource to help teachers and pupils.
Thanks again" [Comment from Amy Thay, Coventry]

"This website was brilliant. My class and I really enjoy doing the activites." [Comment from Mrs Wilshaw, Dunsten Collage,Essex]

"This resource has made a great deal of difference to the standard of starters for all of our lessons. Thank you for being so creative and imaginative." [Comment from Mr Stoner, St George's College of Technology]

"I am thankful for providing such wonderful starters. They are of immence help and the students enjoy them very much. These starters have saved my time and have made my lessons enjoyable." [Comment from Natalie, London]

"Excellent. Thank you very much for a fabulous set of starters. I use the 'weekenders' if the daily ones are not quite what I want. Brilliant and much appreciated." [Comment from Nikki Jordan, Braunton School, Devon]

"What a brilliant website. We have just started to use the 'starter-of-the-day' in our yr9 lessons to try them out before we change from a high school to a secondary school in September. This is one of the best resources on-line we have found. The kids and staff love it. Well done an thank you very much for making my maths lessons more interesting and fun." [Comment from Phil Anthony, Head of Maths, Stourport High School]

"I use Starter of the Day as a registration and warm-up activity for my Year 6 class. The range of questioning provided is excellent as are some of the images.
I rate this site as a 5!" [Comment from Cathryn Aldridge, Pells Primary]

"Dear Transum,

I love you website I use it every maths lesson I have with every year group! I don't know were I would turn to with out you!" [Comment from Mr Hall, Light Hall School, Solihull]

"I have used your starters for 3 years now and would not have a lesson without one! Fantastic way to engage the pupils at the start of a lesson." [Comment from Mrs A Milton, Ysgol Ardudwy]

"My Primary 7 class in Mercy Primary school, Belfast, look forward to your mental maths starters every morning. The variety of material is interesting and exciting and always engages the teacher and pupils. Keep them coming please." [Comment from Mr Trainor And His P7 Class(All Girls), Mercy Primary School, Belfast]

"A Maths colleague introduced me to your web site and I love to use it. The questions are so varied I can use them with all of my classes, I even let year 13 have a go at some of them. I like being able to access Starters for the whole month so I can use favourites with classes I see at different times of the week. Thanks." [Comment from Lesley Sewell, Ysgol Aberconwy, Wales]

"Really good site. Lots of good ideas for starters. Use it most of the time in KS3." [Comment from Terry Shaw, Beaulieu Convent School]

"I am an NQT and have only just discovered this website. I nearly wet my pants with joy.
To the creator of this website and all of those teachers who have contributed to it, I would like to say a big THANK YOU!!! :)." [Comment from Mr Smith, West Sussex, UK]

"My year five children look forward to their daily challenge and enjoy the problems as much as I do. A great resource - thanks a million." [Comment from M Chant, Chase Lane School Harwich]

"Thank you for sharing such a great resource. I was about to try and get together a bank of starters but time is always required elsewhere, so thank you." [Comment from Jan, South Canterbury]

"Love using the Starter of the Day activities to get the students into Maths mode at the beginning of a lesson. Lots of interesting discussions and questions have arisen out of the activities.
Thanks for such a great resource!" [Comment from Peter Wright, St Joseph's College]

"I would like to thank you for the excellent resources which I used every day. My students would often turn up early to tackle the starter of the day as there were stamps for the first 5 finishers. We also had a lot of fun with the fun maths. All in all your resources provoked discussion and the students had a lot of fun." [Comment from Liz, Kuwait]

"Excellent resource, I use it all of the time! The only problem is that there is too much good stuff here!!" [Comment from Greg, Wales]

"A really awesome website! Teachers and students are learning in such a fun way! Keep it up..." [Comment from Ros, Belize]

"Thank you very much for providing these resources for free for teachers and students. It has been engaging for the students - all trying to reach their highest level and competing with their peers while also learning. Thank you very much!" [Comment from Busolla, Australia]

Do you have any comments? It is always useful to receive feedback and helps make this free resource even more useful for those learning Mathematics anywhere in the world. Click here to enter your comments.


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Featured Activity

Without Lifting

Without Lifting

Can you draw these diagrams without lifting your pencil from the paper? This is an interactive version of the traditional puzzle. Some diagrams are possible while others are not. What is the rule?

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Negative Numbers

Negative Numbers

Use negative numbers in basic arithmetic and algebraic calculations and word problems. So far this activity has been accessed 96151 times and 78180 Transum Trophies have been awarded for completing it.

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We also used the Broken Calculator Activity as another part of the competition at the Primary Maths Challenge last week 🤩 Thank you Transum 😊

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Six Yellow are working together using Transum Maths this morning...head to head on puzzles ranging from Darts to Factors Connect 4

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