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Percentage Change

Practise calculating percentage increase and percentage decrease in this set of exercises.

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This is level 4: find the percentage decrease given the original and final values. You can earn a trophy if you get at least 7 questions correct. You can use a calculator.

1. If 140 decreases to 35, by what percentage has it decreased? % Correct Wrong

2. Find the percentage decrease if 100 is reduced to 90. % Correct Wrong

3. If 160 decreases to 136, by what percentage has it decreased? % Correct Wrong

4. Find the percentage decrease if 20 is reduced to 6. % Correct Wrong

5. Yesterday 400 flies were eaten by frogs in the park. Today the number of flies decreased to 336 flies. By what percentage has the number of flies eaten decreased?

% Correct Wrong

6. By what percentage is 585 less than 650? % Correct Wrong

7. Find the percentage decrease if a computer game score of 250 is reduced to 190 due to penalty points.

Computer Game Backgrounds
% Correct Wrong

8. 88270 people entered the Trantown Marathon this year. That's a decrease on last year's entries. Last year 97000 people entered. What percentage has the number of entries decreased from last year to this year?

% Correct Wrong

9. The number of people watching the Cliff Diving Monkeys YouTube video on the first day was 79300. On the second day the number of people viewing it was reduced to 42822. What is this reduction expressed as a percentage?

% Correct Wrong

10. This year only 6358 peopled auditioned for Z Factor compared to 28900 last year. By what percentage has the number of people decreased since last year? % Correct Wrong


This is Percentage Change level 4. You can also try:
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7


Try your best to answer the questions above. Type your answers into the boxes provided leaving no spaces. As you work through the exercise regularly click the "check" button. If you have any wrong answers, do your best to do corrections but if there is anything you don't understand, please ask your teacher for help.

When you have got all of the questions correct you may want to print out this page and paste it into your exercise book. If you keep your work in an ePortfolio you could take a screen shot of your answers and paste that into your Maths file.

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Description of Levels



Simple Percentages - A good place to start.

Level 1 - Find the new amount after a percentage increase.

Level 2 - Find the new amount after a percentage decrease.

Level 3 - Find the percentage increase given the original and final values.

Level 4 - Find the percentage decrease given the original and final values.

Level 5 - Find the original amount after a percentage increase or decrease given the final value.

Level 6 - Mixed questions.

Level 7 - Challenging questions.

Switch - Practise percentage increase and decrease calculations by completing this table.

Two-Step Percentages - Now things start to get a little more challenging!

Exam Style questions are in the style of GCSE or IB/A-level exam paper questions and worked solutions are available for Transum subscribers.

Answers to this exercise are available lower down this page when you are logged in to your Transum account. If you don’t yet have a Transum subscription one can be very quickly set up if you are a teacher, tutor or parent.

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Curriculum Reference

See the National Curriculum page for links to related online activities and resources.


You may want to use a calculator for some of the questions. See Calculator Workout skill 3.

Don't wait until you have finished the exercise before you click on the 'Check' button. Click it often as you work through the questions to see if you are answering them correctly.

Answers to this exercise are available lower down this page when you are logged in to your Transum account. If you don’t yet have a Transum subscription one can be very quickly set up if you are a teacher, tutor or parent.

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