
How many numbers below are factors of other numbers in the table?

 19   9   30   18 
 26   36   47   46 
 28   6   40   11 

How many numbers above are multiples of other numbers in the table?


A Mathematics Lesson Starter Of The Day

Topics: Starter | Factors | Number

  • Mrs.Smith, Staffordshire
  • Every number is a factor of itself and a multiple of itself, so your totals are incorrect!
  • Mr Hand's UR Set, The King's School Worcester
  • Actually Mrs Smith, if you read the question properly, you will see the word "other". Thus meaning numbers being factors and multiples of themselves is totally and utterly irrelevant.
    UR Set 7 sincerely hope this clears you misunderstanding.
  • Mr Walsh, ASCPS
  • Aside form the other listed factors, surely 10 is not only a factor of 40, but also a factor of 20? Is that too simple?
  • Transum,
  • How many people are caught out when a number is repeated in the grid above (different numbers appear each time the page is refreshed)? So for example if 47 appears twice you can count both of them as being factors of other numbers in the grid because the first 47 is a factor of the second 47 and the second is a factor of the first!
  • Mrs S, St Albans
  • Shouldn't the number of factors and the number of multiples be the same? If A is a factor of B then B is a multiple of A, and vice versa.
  • St Nicolas Junior School, Newbury, Year 5
  • We like the way the maths is set out however
    we found more answers than your listed ones.

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Laptops In Lessons

Teacher, do your students have access to computers such as tablets, iPads or Laptops?  This page was really designed for projection on a whiteboard but if you really want the students to have access to it here is a concise URL for a version of this page without the comments:


However it would be better to assign one of the student interactive activities below.

Laptops In Lessons

While factors are in mind follow this URL to a student version of the Sieve of Eratosthenes.


Student Activity


Curriculum Reference

See the National Curriculum page for links to related online activities and resources.

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