How Many Of Each?

Pens cost 10p each,
Pencils cost 7p each.

Logan spent 58p altogether.

How many pens and pencils did he buy?

Dishes cost £1.87 each,
Plates cost £1.52 each.

Zachary spent £13.56 on dishes and plates.

How many of each did he buy?

Did you peak at the background picture I used for today's Starter? I took the photograph in the French Alps and am quite proud of it. Most people think it is funny because that region of France you will find hill areas.

Topics: Starter | Arithmetic

  • Suszanna, home
  • My daughter really enjoys these, when she comes home from school she will sit on the laptop and do things like these.
  • Ellen, Dublin
  • This is a great way to start the kids off in the morning, we always start off doing this they all enjoy it!!
  • Jessy Shijo, St.simon's Catholic Primary School, Ashford
  • This website is extremely helpful for my daughter to improve her Maths. I wish that there were more sites like this to help young and other people get going through their Mathematics. After all, every job in the universe depends on MATHS!
  • Martin Elliott, P7 Blackridge Primary School Scotland
  • We found the 1st problem quite easy as the numbers were small.
    The second problem involved £'s and generated much more discussion.
    P7 love this site.
  • Jazlyn, Nice Website!
  • I think it's great! I just wish they had different problems for older age levels. I'm in the 8th grade and my teachers give this for extra credit every week. (we only get 1 extra point per week). Some days it's hard and others its super easy. I just hope they find a way to balance it out. Great resource, though!
  • Thomas - Year 5, Charnwood Primary - Lichfield
  • A good maths starter but maybe a couple more would be better.
  • Senan, Barnes Primary Year 6
  • I think the the first problem was too easy, I like the idea though.

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Note to teacher: Doing this activity once with a class helps students develop strategies. It is only when they do this activity a second time that they will have the opportunity to practise those strategies. That is when the learning is consolidated. Click the button above to regenerate another version of this starter from random numbers.

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Laptops In Lessons

Teacher, do your students have access to computers such as tablets, iPads or Laptops?  This page was really designed for projection on a whiteboard but if you really want the students to have access to it here is a concise URL for a version of this page without the comments:

However it would be better to assign one of the student interactive activities below.

Laptops In Lessons

Here is the URL which will take them to a related student activity.

Student Activity


If students have access to computing devices you may wish to try solving the following?

Sandwiches cost £1.58 each,

Drinks cost £1.11 each.

Jose spent £78.82 on sandwiches and drinks.

How many of each did he buy?

[Assume that at least one of each of the items was bought]

You may wish to use a spreadsheet or write a program on a graphing calculator:

  A B C D E F G H I J K
1   Sandwiches                
2 Drinks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 1 £2.69 £4.27 £5.85 £7.43 £9.01 £10.59 £12.17 £13.75 £15.33 £16.91
4 2 £3.80 £5.38 £6.96 £8.54 £10.12 £11.70 £13.28 £14.86 £16.44 £18.02
5 3 £4.91 £6.49 £8.07 £9.65 £11.23 £12.81 £14.39 £15.97 £17.55 £19.13
6 4 £6.02 £7.60 £9.18 £10.76 £12.34 £13.92 £15.50 £17.08 £18.66 £20.24
7 5 £7.13 £8.71 £10.29 £11.87 £13.45 £15.03 £16.61 £18.19 £19.77 £21.35
8 6 £8.24 £9.82 £11.40 £12.98 £14.56 £16.14 £17.72 £19.30 £20.88 £22.46
9 7 £9.35 £10.93 £12.51 £14.09 £15.67 £17.25 £18.83 £20.41 £21.99 £23.57
10 8 £10.46 £12.04 £13.62 £15.20 £16.78 £18.36 £19.94 £21.52 £23.10 £24.68
11 9 £11.57 £13.15 £14.73 £16.31 £17.89 £19.47 £21.05 £22.63 £24.21 £25.79
12 10 £12.68 £14.26 £15.84 £17.42 £19.00 £20.58 £22.16 £23.74 £25.32 £26.90

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