Dice and Spinners

Computer generated random numbers for games and probability experiments




Spinner Spinner

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This page provides you with a number of different dice simulations to use in the classroom. You can hide the dice you don't need and use the buttons and drop-down menu to configure the required dice.

A different kind of random number generator can be found on the Maths Bingo page.

If your pupils don't have access to this page and the department's box of dice was last seen in 1976 don't despair because most scientific calculators have a random number generating facility as can be seen in the video below:

Activity 1

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

"This is a game for two players. Two dice are rolled and their numbers multiplied together. If this product is odd, Player 1 earns a point. If this product is even Player 2 earns a point. The first player to earn 20 points wins.
This came can be varied by changing the number of dice used, changing the numbers on the dice and changing the operation from multiplication to division, addition or subtraction.
You can analyse the fairness of the game by constructing a possibility space."

Activity 2

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

"The first part of this activity requires pupils to imagine a coin being tossed 50 times. They should write down the results of their imaginary tossing as a list of Hs and Ts.
They should then toss a real coin, or one of the coins provided above to produce a list of 50 actual tosses.
Finally they should compare the two lists. What is the longest run of Hs or Ts in each list? Make a tally char of run length for the two lists and they should notice that the real toss list has slightly longer runs as our imaginations tend to want to even out the number of heads and tails more than would naturally occur."

Activity 3

Sunday, July 16, 2017

"Skunk is a two dice game for the whole class to play together and contains elements of chance and choice. You can find all of the instructions on the Skunk Game page."

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Special Dice

See Transum's ever-growing collection of Probability lesson starters, activities, exam-style questions and and investigations.


Remainder Race

Remainder Race

A game involving chance and choice requiring an ability to calculate the remainder when a two digit number is divided by a single digit number.

The short web address is:



Dump-A-Dice Race

Dump-A-Dice Race

An online board game for two players involving prime and square numbers and making choices.

The short web address is:



Snail Race Projectable

Snail Race Projectable

Twelve snails have a race based on the sum of two dice. This is the teachers' version of the race simulation.

The short web address is:



Pin Drop

Pin Drop

Estimate the probability of a drawing pin landing point up from experimental data.

The short web address is:


The code powering the first dice has been adapted from code kindly made available by Steve J Robertson

The code powering the polyhedra dice has been adapted from code kindly made available by Anton Natrov

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