Drag the points below onto their correct positions on the coordinate grid then press the Check button.
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Coordinates - Lets start with the basics!
Level 1 - Plotting small integer coordinates in the first quadrant
Level 2 - Plotting small integer coordinates in all four quadrants
Level 3 - Plotting larger integer coordinates in the first quadrant
Level 4 - Plotting larger integer coordinates in all four quadrants
Level 5 - Plotting decimal coordinates in all four quadrants
Coordinates Picture - Plot points to produce a picture.
More on this topic including lesson Starters, visual aids, investigations and self-marking exercises.
Answers to this exercise are available lower down this page when you are logged in to your Transum account. If you don’t yet have a Transum subscription one can be very quickly set up if you are a teacher, tutor or parent.
See the National Curriculum page for links to related online activities and resources.
Some people have trouble remembering what the two numbers in a set of coordinates represent. The first number is the x-coordinate and tells you how many units you go across to the right (negative numbers move you to the left). The second number tells you how many to move up (negative numbers move you down).
The following saying helps you remember the order of the coordinates:
Along the corridor then up the stairs.
Don't wait until you have positioned all of the points before you click on the 'Check' button. Click it often as you work through the activity to see if you are doing it correctly.
Answers to this exercise are available lower down this page when you are logged in to your Transum account. If you don’t yet have a Transum subscription one can be very quickly set up if you are a teacher, tutor or parent.
Alaina, New Zealand
Thursday, June 25, 2020
"Just wanted to let you know that at the start of level 4 I had a problem with placing coordinates beyond 30 because the box holding the coordinates are covering half of the grid.
[Transum: Thanks for your feedback Alaina but the software chooses the coordinates so that they are not in the area covered by that box. Look out for the negative signs.]"
Eleanor, UK
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
"This looks great for my year 8s' first (remote) lesson on coordinates next week. Just a shame that the box on level 4 covers part of the x axis so they won't be able to see the numbers above 30.
[Transum: Thanks for your feedback Eleanor, much appreciated. The box covering part of the x axis is a deliberate feature designed to challenge pupils to figure out for themselves the x values greater than 30 rather than rely on the axis labels. You will notice that all coordinates with x values greater than 30 have negative y values so they are not obscured by the box. My prediction is that they will be able to figure out a way of overcoming this difficulty. Let me know how they get on.]"
Rehana, Victoria Melbourne
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
"It's really good but the box keeps on blocking the x-axis but overall I really like, keep doing a great job!"
George, UK
Monday, November 1, 2021
"Just to report level 2 of this task is unbeatable as the check tab covers up a few coordinates can you please keep this in mind.
[Transum: Thanks for your feedback George. You are not the only person to have mentioned this but I am convinced that the check tab does not get in the way. I have tried the activity on a number of different devices but the check tab does not cover any of the coordinate locations. Could someone please send me a screen shot of what the activity looks like on your computer?]"
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
"Hello this activity was really fun for my students."