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A different Mathematics lesson starter for each day of the year designed to engage learners with a range of puzzles, exercises and creative ideas. Click on a date in the calendar above for the Starter Of The Day.
Have you read the latest Transum Newsletter or listened to the podcast?
🏆 Sharing Trophies
🏆 Algebraic Unity
🏆 Setting Scales
🏆 Counting To and Fro
🏆 Octagon Loops
🏆 Spin The Wheel
March's Newsletter :: Podcasts
🟰 8! minutes
🟰 Triangles in Hexagons
🟰 Moving Circle Parts
🟰 Tree Diagrams
🟰 Global Correlation
🟰 German Shape Names
February's Newsletter :: Podcasts
⌛ Teaching the wrong class
⌛ Sum of the cubes
⌛ Camp Bosrow
⌛ Sorting Shapes
⌛ The 1% Club
⌛ Suneung
January's Newsletter :: Podcasts
🎄 Prancer's Walk Puzzle
🎄 Christmas Tree Light Sum
🎄 New Video
🎄 Quartiles Exercise
🎄 Advent Calendar
🎄 Nöel Joke
December's Newsletter :: Podcasts
🎇 Fictional Planets Puzzle
🎇 Pictograms
🎇 Two-step Percentages
🎇 Odd Scatter Out
🎇 Quartile Quandary
🎇 Maths Joke
November's Newsletter :: Podcasts
👻 Pumpkin Price Puzzle
👻 Diophantine Equations
👻 Got it, I got it!
👻 World Poetry Day
👻 History of Maths
👻 NotebookLM Wow
October's Newsletter :: Podcasts
🎞️ Winter Draws On
🎞️ Heron's Formula
🎞️ Maths Minds
🎞️ Back To School
🎞️ Ramanujan Film
🎞️ Stars in Solar System
September's Newsletter :: Podcasts
🏅 Three Numbers Puzzle
🏅 Fraction Foundations
🏅 Matching Activities
🏅 Holiday Maths
🏅 Olympic Puzzle
🏅 Earth's Circumference
August's Newsletter :: Podcasts
💎 Pirate Pearl's Puzzle
💎 Tally Charts
💎 Mixed Means
💎 Counting Quest
💎 Cowardenets
💎 Terrible Puns
🦗 Judge and Wig Puzzle
🦗 Trig-Pythag Fusion
🦗 Position Practice
🦗 17-year Bugs
🦗 ChatGPT 4o
🦗 Rain Percentage
💷 Maths Equipment Puzzle
💷 Coins and Notes
💷 Geometric Sequences
💷 AI Companion
💷 Exam Revision Resources
🃏 What's D Worth?
🃏 Pythagorean Probe
🃏 Uniqueness Game
🃏 April Fool
🃏 Podcast
🃏 Binary Joke
April's Newsletter :: Podcasts
You can embed the Starter Of The Day calendar into your own school website or blog.
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