Tables Conga Hi-Score Tables

Best times for completing Tables Conga in the last 150 attempts

2 Times Table

Kadi46 seconds
Zen 49 seconds
Wpar50 seconds
Raje52 seconds
Burr54 seconds

3 Times Table

Lily44 seconds
Seth46 seconds
Raje51 seconds
Remy53 seconds
Amur56 seconds

4 Times Table

Jesp44 seconds
Supe52 seconds
Raje60 seconds
Cool66 seconds
Sta589 seconds

5 Times Table

Maxr41 seconds
Sta542 seconds
Emma60 seconds
24ho60 seconds
Nyah63 seconds

6 Times Table

Cool44 seconds
Raje62 seconds
Jesp63 seconds
Mrfl71 seconds
Sta5129 seconds

7 Times Table

Lily26 seconds
51 seconds
Wpar56 seconds
Grim57 seconds
Duke61 seconds

8 Times Table

Mrfl49 seconds
Jesp53 seconds
Cool75 seconds
Raje80 seconds
Sjma86 seconds

9 Times Table

Skib40 seconds
Mrfl64 seconds
Emma68 seconds
Kadi70 seconds
Ruth71 seconds

Play again to improve your time: Tables Conga

Transum Tables activities provide a great way to practise your times tables. Play them every day to
help improve your numeracy skills, mathematical proficiency and mental strength.

There are high-score tables for Tablesmaster, Fast Factors, Tables Conga, Tables Dash. is a proud supporter of the kidSAFE Seal Program