Tables Conga Hi-Score Tables

Best times for completing Tables Conga in the last 150 attempts

2 Times Table

16cu33 seconds
Mic038 seconds
Zjlu44 seconds
Imth49 seconds
Gw1953 seconds

3 Times Table

Mic041 seconds
S24646 seconds
16cu47 seconds
Kody49 seconds
16ca57 seconds

4 Times Table

Kody39 seconds
S24643 seconds
Lach45 seconds
Dall48 seconds
16ca55 seconds

5 Times Table

Mido34 seconds
Kody34 seconds
23th37 seconds
Mic042 seconds
Dall48 seconds

6 Times Table

S24638 seconds
Kody50 seconds
Mido66 seconds
Gw1472 seconds
Yerl114 seconds

7 Times Table

17va25 seconds
S17046 seconds
Benj49 seconds
S17251 seconds
Cw1852 seconds

8 Times Table

S24644 seconds
Mido51 seconds
Mic055 seconds
Kody61 seconds
16ca65 seconds

9 Times Table

S24639 seconds
16ca44 seconds
16cu53 seconds
Toms55 seconds
Mic067 seconds

Play again to improve your time: Tables Conga

Transum Tables activities provide a great way to practise your times tables. Play them every day to
help improve your numeracy skills, mathematical proficiency and mental strength.

There are high-score tables for Tablesmaster, Fast Factors, Tables Conga, Tables Dash. is a proud supporter of the kidSAFE Seal Program