Tables Dash Hi-Score Tables

Best times for completing Tables Dash in the last 150 attempts

2 Times Table

Jade384 points
Jaco356 points
Leo 346 points
9876345 points
Gust339 points

3 Times Table

Harr387 points
Jaco335 points
9032332 points
Hold316 points
4048314 points

4 Times Table

4048366 points
9001330 points
9082329 points
4048329 points
9044327 points

5 Times Table

Wenc454 points
Dunn449 points
Reid407 points
0105392 points
Elle367 points

6 Times Table

9031319 points
9001316 points
Will311 points
Jaco310 points
Achu310 points

7 Times Table

Jaco313 points
Pate313 points
9063312 points
4047312 points
9031311 points

8 Times Table

Achu350 points
4047324 points
Will313 points
Jaco313 points
9001312 points

9 Times Table

Will320 points
9001315 points
4047312 points
Jaco308 points

10 Times Table

Woo0427 points
Clar408 points
Leo 367 points
4047342 points
Jord333 points

11 Times Table

Leo 421 points
Dyla381 points
Will311 points
Blak311 points
4047308 points

12 Times Table

Leo 363 points
4047310 points
4055309 points
9001305 points

13 Times Table

Leo 330 points
Jaco314 points
9031311 points
Cosm310 points
4055308 points

Play again to improve your time: Tables Dash

Transum Tables activities provide a great way to practise your times tables. Play them every day to
help improve your numeracy skills, mathematical proficiency and mental strength.

There are high-score tables for Tablesmaster, Fast Factors, Tables Conga, Tables Dash. is a proud supporter of the kidSAFE Seal Program