Money Multiple Choice Topic Test


Money Multiple Choice Topic Test

Test your understanding of money with this ten question, self-marking multiple choice exercise.

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Here are 10 Money multiple choice questions written by people from around the world while using the main Pentransum activity. You can earn a Transum Trophy for answering at least 9 of them correctly.

1. My four friends and I bought a lotto ticket and won $75,000,000. We split the amount of prize money evenly between us. How much did each of us get?

Correct Wrong

This question was suggested by Lorna-Jen Crallan., South Auckland Seventh Day Adventist primary school Auckland New Zealand.

2. What is the change from a £50 note if I buy 6 t-shirts for £6.78 each?

Correct Wrong

This question was suggested by Kieran Buchanan, Newcastle

3. I have £20.00. I go to the corner shop and I buy 3 stamps. 1 stamp costs 10p. I also buy 2 bags of crisps at 50p each and 1 coke at £1.00. How much change do I get?

Correct Wrong

This question was suggested by Georgia, Holywell

4. Matthew, who is very greedy, wanted 245 krispy kremes for one day. Each krispy kreme cost 45p. How much would he have to pay.

Correct Wrong

This question was suggested by Benny Stheeman, Feltonfleet

5. Sally saves 10% of her weekly wage, spends 65% on rent and food, spends 15% on clothes/entertainment and gives the remaining £17.24 to charity. What is Sally's weekly wage?

Correct Wrong

This question was suggested by Nella Adila, Sheffield

6. If Dan and Don share $48 in the ratio 5:1 how much more than Don will Dan receive?

Correct Wrong

7. It costs Paul £12.50 for two toy cars. However, it only costs him £7.00 for a toy car and a rubber. How much does a rubber cost?

Correct Wrong

This question was suggested by Tom Bailey, Stevenage

8. I have £5 and decide to get 3 packets of crisps at 98p each. How much change do I have?

Correct Wrong

This question was suggested by Charlotte Battista, St. Peters Middle School

9. Mike had £6.10 and Kate had £3.25. They went to see a film and paid 79p each. They each bought popcorn buckets at 56p and a cola for Mike at 25p and orange for Kate at 17p. how much money did they have left?

Correct Wrong

This question was suggested by Terry, Yorkshire

10. A jacket is on sale. It normally costs £65 but today it is on special offer. You can buy it for 20% off the normal price. How much is the sale price?

Correct Wrong

Please note that unlike other Transum online exercises, the check button for this multiple choice quiz can only be clicked once when you have answered all ten questions. Check your answers carefully before clicking the button below. You teed to get at least 9 questions correct to be awarded a Transum Trophy.


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Try your best to answer the questions above. Choose one of the five possible answers. When you have finished click the "check" button. If you have any questions wrong, do your best to do corrections but if there is anything you don't understand, please ask your teacher for help.

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